Med. Weter. 31 (9), 513-576, 1975


Situation of Foot-and-Mouth disease in the world in 1969—1973 Lis H. [digitized] 513
The two stage-immunization of chickens against Newcastle disease Lar ski Z. [digitized] 517
Cataract in hens with avian encephalomyelitis (AE) Houszka M., Mazurkiewicz M., Wachnik Z. [digitized] 520
Carrier state of Salmonella, Shigella, Pasteurella multocida and Erysipelothrix insidiosa in dogs Gołębiowski S. [digitized] 523
The efficacy of Nilverm pro iniectione in the control of nemathodes of cattle, sheep and pigs Grzywiński L., Kluczniok P., Madej J. A.,
Pietrzykowski W.
[digitized] 524
Investigations on the invasion of larval forms of Echinococcus granulosus in pigs Kozakiewicz B. [digitized] 526
The influence of Marek's disease on the biological value of meat Dobeś M., Jurajda V., Napravnik A., Vavrova M. [digitized] 530
The survival of pathogenic Staphylococci in cottage cheeses Trawińska J. [digitized] 533
Polychlorbiphenols and their importance in hygiene of animals products Adamczyk E. [digitized] 535
Artificial insemination in the horse. V. The application of an artificial vagina of „open" type (Kraków-72) to obtain separate semen from stallions
Bielański W., Kosiniak K, Tischner M.
[digitized] 537
A diluter of prolonged validity for the preservation of bulls semen Zieliński W., Morstin J., Pietraszek A. [digitized] 541
Potential sources of poisoning of pigs in modern breeding Dutkiewicz M. [digitized] 543
An attempt to determine the influence of Cu and Zn on the effectiveness of Nitrovin (Payzon) in feeding of porkers Urbańczyk J., Ryś R.,
Harenza T., Hanczakowska E.
[digitized] 547
Investigations on the mechanism of hoot deformation in cattle Walkowiak E. [digitized] 550
The ultrastructure of hepatocytes following the use of alphacyanacryle glue for anastomosis of cut wounds of the liver Latalski M.,
Studnicki W.
[digitized] 553
Surgical treatment of large skin loses in breeding foxes Lipińska M., Karpiński J. [digitized] 556
Pathomorphology of Cu deficiency in lambs Kaszubkiewicz C, Madej J. A. [digitized] 558
The therapeutical efficacy of Ditrivet in calves and piglets Markiewicz K., Kuleta Z., Depta A., Łuczak Z. [digitized] 561
Oedema disease in broilers and chlorated dibenzo-p-diauxins Skibniewska K. A. [digitized] 565
The influence of chloramphenicol on the barbital sleep in rabbits Gibasiewicz W. A., Gibasiewicz K. [digitized] 567