Med. Weter. 31 (4), 193-254, 1975


Current views on the taxonomy and the role of Gram-negative nonsporing anaerobic bacilli in the pathology Cygan Z., Jastrzębski T. [digitized] 195
Preliminary examinations on the active immunization of poultry against pasteurellosis Truszczyński M., Tereszczukowa M.,
Rutkowska-Jurga I.
[digitized] 199
The activity of chosen disinfectants and their compositions against SVD virus Wawrzkiewicz J. [digitized] 202
Investigations on the safety and immunogenic pro-perties of attenuated strains of chog cholera virus derivative of the „Chinese" strain
Mierzejewska M., Tereszczuk S.
[digitized] 205
L vaccine given via drinking fountains Surowiecki K., Karpińska E. [digitized] 207
Examinations on mastitis in cows of large scale breeding in the Gdańsk province. VII. Occurrence of mycotic mastitis Kurek C,
Lipowicz-Szumigalska D.
[digitized] 210
Specific prophylaxy in the large scale breeding of poultry. Part 1 Wachnik Z. [digitized] 213
The circulation of animals of large scale breeding from the point of view of forensic veterinary Varnagy L. [digitized] 216
Attempts of urea use in the feeding of horses Sobczak Z. [digitized] 219
Some incidental negative results of genetic improvement of farm animals Zwolińska-Bartczak I., Monkiewicz J., Pałasz A. [digitized] 221
The influence of an addition of fat and saccharose to food on chosen blood indices in blue foxes Wójcik S., Sławoń J., Polon is A., Saba L.,
Białkowski Z.
[digitized] 224
Comparison of the toxicity of methylen blue and malachite green for the fry of rainbow trouts Prost M., Studnicka M., Niezgoda J. [digitized] 226
The action of UV rays on the fish organism Pychyński T. [digitized] 229
The behaviour of certain indices of blood coagulation in rabbits in the course of experimental Foschlor-20 intoxication Markiewicz Z., Kurski B.,
Śmigielska J.
[digitized] 231
The utilization of haematocrit indices todiagnosis of leukosis in cattle Grundboeck M., Wilczyńska-CiemięgaK. [digitized] 233
Investigations on the health status of udders in cows of individual farms. I. General characteristics . Krzyżanowski J., Wawron W., Wrona Z.,
Malinowski E., Morawski L.
[digitized] 237
The efficacy of Nilverm-ICI for injection in the treatment of nemathodes infestation in sheep Michalski L. [digitized] 240
The influence of smoking temperature on the caloric value of common sausage Kocot M., Szyńkarczuk J. [digitized] 243
Post-slaughter losses due to tuberculosis in pigs in the Białystok and Ełk slaughter-houses Czerniak E., Smiechowicz J. [digitized] 246
The incidence of trichinosis in pigs and wild boars in the Rzeszów provincs . . . Zając A. [digitized] 247
Artificial insemination of horses in Poland after World War II . . . . Tischner M. [digitized] 248