Med. Weter. 32 (12), 705-768, 1976
Further examinations on the etiology of liver lesions in fattened geese Cygan Z., Rubaj B., Jastrzębski T., Gałęza J. [digitized] 712
The occurrence of neutralizing antibodies against Aujeszky's disease virus in sera of pigs from pedigree breeding centers Oyrzanowska J. [digitized] 717
The influence of the content of protein in the food ration on the immunity of pigs vaccinated against hog cholera, swine erysipelas and
colibacteriosis Wasińska B. [digitized] 722
colibacteriosis Wasińska B. [digitized] 722
Isolation of viruses from abortive cases in mares. Characteristics of viruses, serological examinations Buczek J., Majer-Dziedzic B., Wrzolek G.,
Ziółkowska G. [digitized] 727
Ziółkowska G. [digitized] 727
Radial immunodiffusion test for the detection of Marek's disease virus in hens Gaździński P., Cąkała A.' [digitized] 731
The effectiveness of Fenbendazol (PanacurHoechst) and Cambendazol (MSD) against round-worms of the alimentary tract of horses Furmaga S.,
Gundłach J. L., Patyra J. [digitized] 734
Gundłach J. L., Patyra J. [digitized] 734
The role of oesophagostomiasis in the breed of piglets in the suction period Grzywiński L., Poznański W. [digitized] 737
The efficacy of Terenol-Hoechst and Zanil ICI in the control of Paramphistomum sp. in cattle Chowaniec W., Ziomko I., PaciejewskiS. [digitized] 739
The efficacy of certain coccidiostatics in the control of Eimeria necatrix invasion in poultry Wojtoń T. [digitized] 741
The effectiveness of Dichlorfos (DDVP) in the control of cattle pediculosis and its influence on the treated animals Majewski T., Rzączyński B.,
Białkowski Z., Górecki Z., Polo mis A., Tyczkowski J. [digitized] 744
Białkowski Z., Górecki Z., Polo mis A., Tyczkowski J. [digitized] 744
Appraisal of some indices of bacterial purity of milk obtained in a cow-shed in the course of mastitis control Drożdżyńska M., Kłossowska A.,
Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 747
Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 747
The influence of subclinical invasion of Trichocephalus suis on the weight gains in pigs Ziomko I., Paciejewski S. [digitized] 750
Some indices of semen quality in bulls during their growth in the first year of life Juszczak J., Hibner A., Ziemiński R., Futujma T. [digitized] 752
Bacteriological examinations of fish tins contaminated with CI. botulinum E after 3 years period of storage Skoczek A., Matras J. [digitized] 754