Med. Weter. 32 (4), 193-256, 1976
Studies on the occurrence of energetic deficit in lactating cows in mass breeding Wolańczyk K., Tyzenhaus-MalinowskaK., Rutkowiak B. [digitized] 195
The usefulness of „Relanimal" in a preliminary period of pigs fattening Gołębiowski S., Baranowicz S. [digitized] 199
Adaptation of peripheral blood leukocyte culture technique for hen karyotype analysis Świderska M., Stalzmann W. M. [digitized] 205
The investigations on the incidence of ovarian cysts in cows at large farms Romaniuk J. [digitized] 207
Transmissible gastroenteritis of pigs and swine vesicular disease — chosen problems Go1nik W. [digitized] 213
The evaluation of the methods of isolation and identification of Mycoplasmatales in cattle Truszczyński M., Pilaszek J. [digitized] 217
A trial of biological characterization of the street — strain of rabies virus „Błonie 26/69/cat" Wojciechowski K. J. [digitized] 221
Fungistatic activity of certain disinfectants Walczak D., Klimek P., Wawrzkiewicz K. [digitized] 224
Cambendasole — a new effective drug against helminthiasis in pigs Grzywiński L., Martynowicz T., KluczniokP. [digitized] 227
The influence of after-transport fatigue of slaughter pigs on the bacterial contamination of carcasses and internal organs Nowicki L. [digitized] 229
The evaluation of a sanitary quality of Pleurogrammus monopterigius meat infestated with Kudoa parasites Wid era L. [digitized] 232
Studies on the course of healing in open state of wounds of synovial cavities in horses treated according to the own method Lipińska M. [digitized] 234
The application of a conveyable break and an electric file for hoofs corrections Wyszyński C, Biernat J., Pudłowski R. [digitized] 237
Studies on haemathological indices in nutria (Myocastor coy pus, Molina 1782) Scheuring W., Bratkowska E. [digitized] 239
A case of calving by 11 months old heifer (331 days of life) Nabrdalik A., Trawka S. [digitized] 242
A limited ossification in abdominal muscles in the pig Gibasiewicz W. A., Gibasiewicz K. [digitized] 243