Med. Weter. 33 (12), 705-768, 1977


Neoplastic diseases of fish Prost M. [digitized] 705
Correlation between clinical symptoms and localization of anatomical leasions in motorial ataxy of horses Modrakowski A.,
Kaszubkiewicż C.
[digitized] 712
Haematological changes in the course of acute mercury intoxications Kossakowski S., Norkowski S. [digitized] 716
The level of ascorbic acid in blood of leukaemic cows after intravenous application Jethon J., Jethon W. [digitized] 719
A trial of elucidation of etiology of bovine disease with the symptoms of panaritium Cygan Z., Wierciński J., Szewczuk A., Paroszkiewicz M. [digitized] 720
Virus diseases of the respiratory tract of calves in the light of reports presented on the 45th General Session of the OIE in Paris Lis H.,
Truszczyński M.
[digitized] 725
The efficacy of Tylavit-Sulfa in prophylaxy and therapy of enzootic bronchopneumonia of calves due to Mycoplasms Pilaszek J., Cąkała S.,
Zalewska E., Sommer E., Synowiedzki Z.
[digitized] 728
The influence of oral vacci¬nation of sows with a live E. coli vaccine on the level of immunity in their progeny Molenda J., Semka Z., Kozyrczak J.,
Wałachowski M.
[digitized] 732
Post vaccinai complications following anti-rabic vaccination of polar foxes (Alopex lagopus L.) Kot J., Wojciechowski K. J. [digitized] 736
Shortened identification of Salmonella by the use of four tube test Hoszowski A., Truszczyński M. [digitized] 738
Isolation of adenovirus from calves with the symptoms - of pneumonia Buczek J., Wrzołek-Łobocka G. [digitized] 741
Experimental studies on the localization of the centers of hearth depressive nerves of sheep Flieger S., Welento J., Eustachiewicz R. [digitized] 744
The level of platelets in blood of cattle under normal conditions Grundboeck M., Wilczyńska-Ciemięga K., Szczotka M. [digitized] 748
Survival of Salmonella typhimurium in sausage in dependence on the degree of a meat stuffing infection and temperature of scalding
Kossakowska A., Wideńska T., Działoszyńska J.
[digitized] 750
Characteristic of amino acid composition of proteins of gelatinous meat of the Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Widera L., Madler J. [digitized] 753