Med. Weter. 33 (10), 577-640, 1977
Evaluation of the health status of pigs and the productive results in an industrial farm of the type Agrokomplex WRL Gołębiowski S., Maciołek H.,
Smolarz M. [digitized] 581
Smolarz M. [digitized] 581
The value of Albanian asphalt as a binding agent in animal premises Janowski T. M., Brandys Z., Kłeczek A. [digitized] 584
Residues of nitrites and nitrates in industrial fooders . Jurkiewicz G., Sokołowski M. [digitized] 587
The influence of the sort of feed phosphate on the content of mineral elements in the blood of cattle and pigs Saba L., Tyczkowski J., Klocek B.,
Wójcik S. [digitized] 588
Wójcik S. [digitized] 588
A trial of the determination of serum lysosyme activity in livestock Balbierz M., Basmadji K. A. J. [digitized] 590
Eosinocytes in the blood of cattle suffering from leukaemia Żelichowska B., Gancarz A., Sobiech E. [digitized] 592
Cateterization of blood vessels in pigs Wierzchoś E., Cibor Z., Gajda B., Bielański A. [digitized] 594
A case of lymphatic leukaemia in a heifer aging three months Scheuring W., Rozynek H. J., Rozynek O. [digitized] 596
Determination of the international pattern of animal karyotypes on theconference in Reading (GB) Sysa P. S. [digitized] 597
Lyophilization-a perspectivic method of animal semen conservation? Pilch J., Strupczewska M. [digitized] 600
The influence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on the results of artificial insemination of cattle Króliński J. [digitized] 603
The influence of some stimulating drugs on the level and activity and phagocytosis of peripheral blood cells Gliński Z., Rzedzicki J.,
Deptuła W. [digitized] 607
Deptuła W. [digitized] 607
Passive immunity of dogs and hamsters in case of experimental infection with Leptospira interrogans, serotype incterohaemorrhagiae
Nowakowski J. [digitized] 611
Nowakowski J. [digitized] 611
Usefulness of agar gel precipitation test to discover hens infected with S. pullorum Różańska M., Kirżajew F. [digitized] 615
Usefulness of membrane filters in the diagnostics of Vibrio fetus Samól S., Gosiewska A. [digitized] 620
Attempts of passive immunization in calves against the invasion of Cysticercus bovis Kozakiewicz B. [digitized] 622
The course of invasion and economical losses due to Hypoderma bovis during the control of the disease by the use of Neguvon Deryło A.,
Haliniarz A. [digitized] 624
Haliniarz A. [digitized] 624
Characteristic of fish and sea invertebrates lipids in sanitary and qualitative aspects Widera L. [digitized] 627