Med. Weter. 34 (11), 641-704, 1978


The role of viruses in pathology of reproduction in animals Larski Z. [digitized] 641
Comparative studies on the fertility of cows under different management systems Romaniuk J. [digitized] 650
Superovulation in cows and sheep after the application of Serogonadotropin Wierzchoś E., Smorąg Z., Wierzbowski S., Gajda B. [digitized] 653
The influence of a birth season on the development and breeding efficacy of bulls at the age of 10—15 months Jażdżewski J. [digitized] 655
The level of Na, K, Ca, P and Mg in sera of cows and calves in trials of the control of the puerperal paresis with Vitamin D3 Kanicki S. [digitized] 659
Characteristics of the cases of developmental disturbances in calves in the region controlled by the Breeding and Insemination Station
of Animals in Krasne, near Rzeszów
Trautman J., Kunysz Z. [digitized] 661
Coccidiosis, trichomonadosis and cappilariosis in turkeys Stępkowski S., Zarzycki J. [digitized] 664
The influence of sodium wersenate on unspecific agglutination reactions in the diagnosis of brucellosis in cattle and pigs Królak M.,
Stryszak A.
[digitized] 669
A trial of the treatment of colibacteriosis in foxes by the use of bacteriophages Slopek S., Kucharewicz-Krukowska A., Kotz J., Michalski Z.,
Sołtysiak Z.
[digitized] 672
An attempt to use the passive haemagglutination test for the detection of antibodies to equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) Frymus T. [digitized] 673
Function of the thyroid gland following Hg poisoning Kossakowski S. [digitized] 676
Aerosol application of oxytetracycline Russak G., Mazurczak J. [digitized] 678
Combined treatment of blood circulation insufficiency with digitalis and Praktolol . . Grodzki K, Nagajewskd M. [digitized] 682
A trial of the application of trenbolone acetate as a protective drug in cattle transport Kwiatkowski T., Gładysz A., Halawa B., Rybka R. [digitized] 684
Examinations of the causes and the losses of calves aged up to six months in large scale breeding Juszczak J., Hibner A., Ziemiński R. [digitized] 686