Med. Weter. 35 (9), 513-576, 1979
Givil responsibility of the veterinary establishment; for human trichinellosis. Part III. Lutyński W. [digitized] 513
Observations on the occurrence of dichlorvos in tissues of poisoned rats Gajewski D., Szulc M. [digitized] 517
Changes of absorption spectra and colour characteristics of muscle tissue of young bulls under the influence of adrena lin Pujszo K.,
Korycki S. [digitized] 521
Korycki S. [digitized] 521
Studies on the improvement of acoustic conditions in cowshed for 800 dairy cows Filuś K, Sawko B. [digitized] 533
New veterinary drugs containing sulphonamides and their potentionating agents soluble in water Marcinkiewicz S., Wojtatowicz Z. [digitized] 535
The influence of air ionization on the course of diseases Mazurczak J., Russak G., Owczarczyk B. [digitized] 538
Preliminary observations on the usefulness of therapy by the use of aerosols in bronchopneumonia of calves Kotowski K., Rokicki E. [digitized] 541
The usefulness of Thiabendasole and Tetramisole in the treatment of phasant's syngamosis Michalski L. [digitized] 543
Genetic resistance of animals against certain in¬fectious diseases. Part IV. Genetic resistance of poultry against Rouss sarcoma
Bassalik-Chabielska L., Ryniewicz Z. [digitized] 547
Bassalik-Chabielska L., Ryniewicz Z. [digitized] 547
Immunogenic properties of anti-distemper aerosol vaccine in minks and polecat-ferrets Górska C, Górski J. [digitized] 554
Parasitic fauna of the Zoarces viviparus (L.) in the Puck gulf Graś-Wawrzyniak B., Grawiński E., Wawrzyniak W. [digitized] 557
Chromosofal abberations in cattle (Bos taurus L.). Part II. Abberations of sex chromosomes Sysa P., S., Sławomirski J. [digitized] 563
Preliminary observations on the occurrence of serotypes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in semen and prepuce rinsings of bulls Króliński J.,
Dzierżanowska D. [digitized] 566
Dzierżanowska D. [digitized] 566