Med. Weter. 35 (3), 129-192, 1979
The role of oxygen and oxydoreductive potential as a factor determining the growth of anaerobic bacteria Cygan Z., Wiercińska J. [digitized] 129
The use of immunoenzymatic technique in the laboratory diagnostics of TGE in pigs Roszkowski J., Zadura J., Kozaczyński W., Bartoszcze M.,
Karpiński S. [digitized] 134
Karpiński S. [digitized] 134
The isolation of Neisseria ovis from sheep with infectious keratoconjunctivitis Buczek J., Krzyżanów ski J., Mouallem H. [digitized] 136
Analysis of occurrence and evaluation of control methods of swine fever in the world and in Poland Lis H. [digitized] 138
Diagnosis of metabolic disturbances in flocks of milking cows. I. Individual, productional and environmental conditions of metabolism disturbances
in cows Rutkowiak B. [digitized] 144
in cows Rutkowiak B. [digitized] 144
Phosphavit BI2 and its ap¬plication for the treatment of some deficiency diseases, due to metabolic disturbances in animals Synowiedzki Z.,
Jankowska K, Szczepanik H., Trzpil B. [digitized] 147
Jankowska K, Szczepanik H., Trzpil B. [digitized] 147
Studies on the level of caro¬tene, vitamin A, C and E in blood of cows in a large scale breeding in different season feeding Dembiński Z., Kulińska A.,
Łosiński T., Więckowski W. [digitized] 148
Łosiński T., Więckowski W. [digitized] 148
The content of certain macroelements and microelements in sugar beet pulp Majewski T., Krupiński A. [digitized] 151
A scheme of hematologic examinations, and their interpretation in the diagnosis of enzootic bovine leukosis Gruindboeck M. [digitized] 154
The influence of aphlatoxin Bi on the survival time of trout brood (Salmo gairdneri) Zaleski S., Daczkowska E., Główczewska C [digitized] 158
A trial of the application of ketamine chlorohydrate in general anaesthesia in pigs Zwierzchowski T., Gajęcki M., Kozłowski M. [digitized] 161
A case of congenital defect of the aorta arch with the endured arterial Botall's duct in the dog Bąkowski J., Hejłasz Z., Osiński B. [digitized] 162
A case of chronic copper intoxication in sheep Chrobocińska M., Dzierżawski A., Żmudzki J., Lubiarz J. [digitized] 164
Distribution of sex chromosomes in metaphasal plates of domesticated cattle (Bos taunts L.) Sysa P., Slawomirski J., Słota E. [digitized] 166
Practical significance of the determination of progesterone and the apllication of prostaglandine F2f[ analogue (Cloprostenol) in sheep breeding
Bielański A. [digitized] 173
Bielański A. [digitized] 173
Properties of the rabbit semen of various breeds Dubiel A., KrólińskiJ., Karpiakowa C. [digitized] 175
Some biochemical characteristics of alkaline phosphatase in the process of freezing of the bull semen Głogowski J. Strzeżek J. [digitized] 179
Digestive test and its usefulness to detect Trichinella spiralis Ogielski L., Adamczyk E., Chmielowski W. [digitized] 183
Biological consequences abiogenic interactions malonyl derivatives and participation of antioxidants in interreactions of malonates Witas T. [digitized] 186