Med. Weter. 36 (11), 641-704, 1980


Surgical and nonsurgical methods of transplanting frozen cattle embryos Wierzbowski S., Wierze noś E., Smorąg Z., Gajda B. [digitized] 641
Lymphocytes populations in cows and new-born calves, granulocytes migration and their capacity to intracellular killing Nowacki W. [digitized] 643
Immunological and physico-chemical characteristic of the strain RAC-H Woyciechowska S. [digitized] 647
Unspecific reactions in an agar gel diffusion test in the diagnosis of infectious anemia in horses Romanowska D., Zalewska-SchCnthaler N. [digitized] 650
Observations on the course of viral septicaemia in the Salmo gardineri in the Koszalin voiwodship in 1977—1979 . Mazur W., Kasperska K. [digitized] 653
„Panacur" — antiparasitic drug of large spectrum of activity Diiwel D. [digitized] 655
Examinations on the dynamics and combating of the invasion of tapeworm of Moniezia genus in sheep in Podhale Chowaniec W., Ramisz A.,
Paciejewski S., Urban E.
[digitized] 659
Examinations on the effect of ammonia water on the oocysts of Eimeria tenella Stępkowski S., Klimont S., Sajczyk H. [digitized] 662
Studies on the etiology of poultry diseases in the light of research performed by the Institute of Veterinary Hygiene in Rzeszów in 1974—1978
Michalski L., Śliwińska W.
[digitized] 665
Pox-like disease in Elephas maximus L Małecki G., Żuchowska E. [digitized] 667
The influence of sodium caseinate on the basic composition, pH and hygroscopicity of scalded sausage Szkucik T. [digitized] 670
The occurrence of Bacillus stearothermophilus inhibiting substances in milk of the Gdańsk district Milko K., Knaut T. [digitized] 672
Micsroflora of the urinary tract of pigs with a special reference to pathogenic microorganisms Maciak T. [digitized] .674
The influence of sublethal heating on proteolytic properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Uradziński J. [digitized] 676
Coli-mastitis in cows Malinowski E. [digitized] 678
Characteristics and the results of surgical therapy of neoplasms in dogs in Gdańsk Kopczewski A., Juchniewicz A., Twardowski H. [digitized] 681
Syndrome of congenital defects of the posterior part of spine, rectum and anus in a calf Szymonis-Szymanowski W., Siembieda J. [digitized] 683
A case of astrocytoma of the spine in the cow 2uliński P., Szalecki J. [digitized] 684
Temperature and some biochemical parameters of blood of piglets maintained under different thermal conditions Grzegorzak A., KoziorowskaS.,
Dobrzański Z., Grzegorzak B.
[digitized] 686
Mineral difreioncies in lactating cows individually ferl natural fodders Kruczyńska H. [digitized] 690
Radioimmunologic determination of insulin level in blood of piglets in early days of life Nowak J., Staszak B., Slebodziński A. [digitized] 693
A simple colorimetric method of the determination of iodine contrast mediums in body fluids Wierciński J., Uziak J. [digitized] 697
Detection of HRP (Hemoglobin Reactive Protein) in sera and whey of cows by means of a simple agar gel electrophoresis Mazur R. [digitized] 699