Med. Weter. 36 (7), 385-448, 1980


Mycoplasmosis of birds with particular reference of diagnosis and control Truszczyński M. [digitized] 385
Epizooiiological situation of abortions in mares in Poland caused by equine rhinopenumonitis virus Woyciechowska S., Kita J., Frymus T. [digitized] 388
The role of inapparent infections in epizootic of Aujeszky's disease in the light of the own observations . Szweda W., Koncicki A., Myszka J., Gajęcki M.,
Bączek W.
[digitized] .391
Agglutinins cross reacting with Brucella, Salmonella, Yersinia and Francisella antigens in the sera of pigs Karpiński T., Skwarek P.,
Żórawski P.
[digitized] 394
Plasmids transmission in Klebsiella isolated from piglets Swiderski M., Jędrzejowski A. [digitized] 397
Occurrence of antibodies against toxicogenic fungi in cattle Do leżał M., Do leżał M., Ramisz A., Szygula M., Balicka-Laurans A. [digitized] 399
The influence of experimental invasion of Ascaris suum on body weight gains in pigs Ziomko I. [digitized] 402
Studies on the efficacy of some drugs in the therapy of unspecific uterine inflammations in cows Zieliński J., Kempski W. [digitized] 405
Induction of ovulation in rabbits by means of Lutal forte ad us. vet. (Hoechst) Dubiel A., Rokicki C, Samborski Z. [digitized] 409
The influence of „Microfos" and intrauterine infusions of detreomycin and „Vagothyl" on the uterus involution and fertilization in cows
Krzyżanowski J., Malinowski E., Murawski J., Sławomirski J., Wawron W., Wrona Z., Ignatowicz J.
[digitized] 411
The appraisal of the musk drakes semen obtained by electroejaculation method Chełmońska B., Gaboxska-Dymkowska B. [digitized] 414
Examinations on the detection of aphlatoxin Bt in fish flowers stabilized with santoquin Zaleski S. J., Daczkowska E., Tereszkiewicz R., Konieczny K.,
Kelar T.
[digitized] 418
The efficacy of a premixe containing Ridzol P applied prophylactically for young piglets Kotowski K., Owczarczyk B. [digitized] 421
Phagocytosis of the stroma in autonomous epitheliomas of the milk gland in bitches Kaszubkiewicz C, Madej J. A., Ratajczak K. [digitized] 423
The influence of environment contamination with formaldehyde on the goose organism and brood Jopek Z., Madej J. A., Mazurkiewicz M. [digitized] 426
Diagnosis of NaCl poisonings in the coypu . Kochowicz W., Kulczycki J., Waśniewski A. [digitized] 430
Health state in pigs in the process of ascariasis Paciejewski S. [digitized] 432
Studies on Trichovac vaccination for prophylaxis and treatment of ringworm in cattle Kamyszek F. [digitized] 436
The influence of althezine anaesthesia on a functional state of liver in sheep . Komar E. [digitized] 439
Surgery of ruptured rectum in a mare Tomaszewski J. [digitized] 440
Lymphosarcoma in a sheep Kneblowski P. [digitized] 441
Number of new born and weaning whelps and the content of some blood parameters in female polar foxes Stanisławska B., Dryżałowska E.,
Lorek O.
[digitized] 442