Med. Weter. 36 (4), 193-256, 1980


Nonconventional viruses and viroids Larski Z. [digitized] 193
Attempts to use polyvalent immune serum in young calves and cattle against bacterial and viral infections Baczyński Z.,
Skulmowska-Kryszkowska D., Żmudziński J., Majdan S.
[digitized] 196
Specific immunity In ducks vaccinated with experimental vaccine against pasteurellosis Tereszczukowa M., Truszczyński M.,
Rutkowska-Jurga I.
[digitized] 199
A trial of the application of a capsular antigen of Pasteur ella multocida for vaccination of calves Świątek Z., Radomiński W. [digitized] 202
Tuberculin reactions in young cattle infected artificially with saprophyte acid-fast bacilli... Fiedoruk J., Hołub M. [digitized] 204
Phage typing of coagulase positive strains of Staphylococcus sp. isolated from milk of cows with mastitis Stras D. [digitized] 207
Haemophilus somnus as an aetiological agent of calf pneumonia Molenda J., Kozyrczak J. [digitized] 209
Chlamydiasis in sheep . Kasperska K., Klimczak Z. [digitized] 212
Experimental erysipelas in turkeys Krasnodębska-Depta A., Janowska I., Rotkiewicz T. [digitized] 214
Varroa disease Gliński Z. [digitized] 217
Comparative studies on the efficacy of oxyclozanide (Zanil, Nilzan ICI-Biówet) and bromofenofos (Acedist 1ST) in the control of fascioliasis in sheep
Ramisz A., Chowaniec W., Pacie jewski S., Urban T., Balicka-Laurans A.
[digitized] 220
Cases of kidneys coccidiosis in duck Smo1ska-Szymczewska B. [digitized] 222
Luteolytic role of the Prostaglandin F24PGF2„i . Kotwica J. [digitized] 223
Cytogenetic studies of freemartinism in cattle Sysa P. S., Sławomirski J., Kuńska A. [digitized] 225
Virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from the semen of bulls Nowakowski W, Wierzbowski S, Bulanda M, Heczko P. B.,
Furowicz A. J.
[digitized] 228
The appearance of tylosin in tissues and semen of bulls and its influence on seminal bacterial flora following intramuscular injections
of the préparâtes T200 and T5oB
Romaniukowa K., Synowiedzki Z., RogoziewiczH., JaśkowskiL. [digitized] 230
Prophylaxy of MMA syndrome by the .... use of Ridzol P. Kotowski E., Owczarczyk B./Zwîerzchowski T. [digitized] 233
The influence of fodders grinding on acid-base balance and the content of mineral elements and proteinic components of blood in sheep
Kwiatkowski T., Gładysz A., Bąkowski J.
[digitized] 235
Changes of some parameters of the dog's blood after repeated prolonged ha' lothane anaesthesia . Kiciński M. [digitized] 238
Studies on the ex-' cretion of Zn-Bacitracin from organism of animals by means of radioactive labelling method Nowak H., Noweta W., Spychalski E.
Miziarz Z.. Niedworok J.
[digitized] 240
Notes to the article ^'Studies on the influence of piglet nest quality on healthy " state and survival of piglets in industrialized pig farming"
Ciałkowski K.
[digitized] 243
Examination of bacterial state of stabilized blood and freezed plasm.i intended for nutritive purposes Walkowiak E. [digitized] 244
Trade and inspection of herrings in some European countries from Xllth to the begining of XlXth century Skrzypek W. [digitized] 245