Med. Weter. 36 (3), 129-192, 1980


Ataxy of kittens, panleukopenia of cats and enteritis in minks Górski J., Ar ciuch B. [digitized] 129
The evaluation of first vaccinations of chickens against Gumboro disease in Poland Kubalok R., Larski Z., Karczewski W. [digitized] 133
Botulism of savage birds Dąbrowski J., Mierzejewski T. [digitized] 136
Meningoencephalitis in pigs due to bacteria Kaszubkiewicz C, Sołtysiak Z., Bocianów ski M. [digitized] 138
Some biological properties of coagulase positive strains of Staph, aureus isolated from cow milk derived from animals with mastitis Straś B. [digitized] 141
Dynamics of the occurrence of pararr.phistomatosis in cattle and sheep in the Poznań district Kozakiewicz B. [digitized] 144
Chosen problems of nonpathogenic microflora in meat Maleszewski J. [digitized] 146
Evaluation of technological, sanitary and organoleptic value of broiler's meat . Monkiewicz J. [digitized] 150
Value of certain methods of the determination of antibiotics in milk .... Tra wińska J. [digitized] 153
The application of acapuncture in veterinary Komar E. [digitized] 155
The changes in the structure of udders and teats and the health status of milk u dder in cows in the sequential lactations Dobicki A.,
Juszczak J., Marcinkowski K., Szuic T.
[digitized] 158
Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of Polchlor, Pollena jcd K and Myoofix in the control of bovine trichophytosis Bukowski K.,
Konarzewski A.
[digitized] 161
The influence of hyper¬trophic osteopathy of the claw bone on clinical picture of the sole ulcers in bulls Siembieda J.,
Szymonis-Szymanowski W., Ratajczak K.
[digitized] 164
The incidence of mammary gland tumors in the bitch Ratajska-Michalczak K. [digitized] 168
Prostaglandin as a stimulator of parturition in sows for prevention of metritis, mastitis and agalactia syndrome (MMA) Samól S. [digitized] 171
Biosynthesis and factors releasing Prostaglandin F2a (PGF2„) from uterus Kotwica J. [digitized] 173
The level of immunoglobulins of IgG, IgM and IgA in sera of low-land black and white calves Rzedzicki J., Gliński Z., Wernicki A. [digitized] 176
The influence of certain stressors on the level of corticosterides and number of lymphocytes in blood of slaughtered pigs from industrial fattening
Wrońska J.
[digitized] 179
Addition of preserved blood to fodder and its influence on blood indices in polar foxes Wójcik S., Saba L., Białkowski Z., Tyczkowski J.,
Sławoń J.
[digitized] 182