Med. Weter. 39 (10), 577-640, 1983
Native and foreign research achievements on the field of pathology of periparturient period in cows Samborski Z. [digitized] 582
About a need of a reform of teaching of reproduction of animals in veterinary and zootechnie faculties Wierzbowski S., Balbierz H., Samborski J.,
Strzeżek J., Tischner M. [digitized] 587
Strzeżek J., Tischner M. [digitized] 587
The usefulness of inactivated vaccine against campylobacteriosis of bulls in the insemination centers Rosłanowski K., Wyszanowski J. [digitized] 592
Motorial activity of the uterus in cows in the process of acute mastitis Raułuszkiewicz S., Dejneka J., Samborski Z., Hejłasz Z., Mazur O.,
Wasecki A. [digitized] 596
Wasecki A. [digitized] 596
The application of the drugs — Oestophan inj. and Nestrepina comp. endofoam Spofa — in the treatment of infertility and uterus diseases
in the cow Samborski Z., Raułuszkiewicz S., Bocianek K., Mazur O. [digitized] 600
in the cow Samborski Z., Raułuszkiewicz S., Bocianek K., Mazur O. [digitized] 600
The influence of oxytocin and progesterone on the motorial activity of the uterus in cows-recipients prepared to transcervical transplantation
of the zygote Marcinkowski K., Dejneka J., Raułuszkiewicz S. [digitized] 603
of the zygote Marcinkowski K., Dejneka J., Raułuszkiewicz S. [digitized] 603
Analysis of cases of Escherichia coli mastitis in cows Malinowski E., Krzyżanowski J., Wawron W., Sławomirski J., Głuszak J. [digitized] 608
Prolapsus uteri in domestic animals Wawron W., Krzyżanowski J., Wrona Z., Sławomir ski J., Murawski J., Malinowski E. [digitized] 611
Chosen cases of hard parturitions in cows of low-land breed in covered yards Hibner A., Olczak M., Króliński J., Tomaszewski A. [digitized] 614
The level of copper and iron in primiparous foxes in normal and disturbed course of pregnancy and lactation Stanisławska B. [digitized] 622