Med. Weter. 39 (8), 449-512, 1983


Parvovirus infections in swines Pejsak Z., Wójcik J., Karpiński S. [digitized] 451
Infection with Aujeszky's disease virus in Nyctereutes procyonoides Gray Zwierzchowski J., Sambor A., Kozioł T., Jarmołowicz T. [digitized] 455
Immunity in foxes vaccinated with Leptospira interrogans serovar. icterohaemorrhagiae Nowakowski J., Motz J. [digitized] 457
Determination of the bacterial number in the content of the intestines of pigs suffering from spontaneous colibacteriosis of enterotoxic
and gastrointestinal types
Szynkiewic z Z., Dziąba K., Bielecka J., Preibisch J. [digitized] 459
Bacterial flora isolated from the secretion products of sheep udders and its sensitivity to antibiotics Krzyżanowski J., Wawron W., Malinowski E.,
Głuszak J., Orlik S.
[digitized] 462
Occurence of sex odor in swines in relation to age, tissues and detection method Pełczyńska E., Prost E. [digitized] 465
The content of chloroorganic pesticides and metals in horse fat Korzeniowski W., Kwiatkowski A., Jankowska B. [digitized] 469
Therapy of mastitis in lactating cows by the use of Cefacetril, Kefa-Mastin and Spektro-Mastin Wiśniowski J., Kłossowska A. [digitized] 472
Acid-base equilibrium and nitrogen metabolism in sheep in states of dehydratation and rehydratation Nicpoń J. [digitized] 474
The influence of feeding system on the level of immunoglobulins and a total protein in sera of pregnant cows and in colostrum Rzedzicki J.,
Mikucki J.
[digitized] 477
Occurrence of zearalenone and fungi producing it in feedstuff components Chełkowski J., Goliński P., Radomyska W., Wiewiórowska M. [digitized] 481
Fluctuations of erythropoetic activity in piglets weaned at various age Przała F., Gajęcki M., Skorska-Wyszyńska E. [digitized] 483
Activity and fractions of AP and the concentration of macroelements in blood sera of sheep in various physiological states and feeding periods
Stanisławska B., Siewodnik G, Bogdzińska M., Jaworska G
[digitized] 486
Seasonal fluctuations in the concentration of total protein and its electrophoretic fractions in blood serum of the mare of a Shetland pony
Jakubów K., Zalewska B., Gromadzka J.
[digitized] 490
Casuses of abortion in cows in the central Poland in 1978—1982 Sawicka-Wrzosek K., Gosiewska A. [digitized] 494
The analysis of morpho-pathological changes in foetuses aborted during the course of viral abortion in mares Matuszewska M.,
Komorowski Z.
[digitized] 497
Some parameters of blood in cows calving in spring and in autumn Romaniuk J., Branicki T. [digitized] 501
A case of an extrauterine gravidity in a bitch diagnosed by laparothomy Kiełbowicz Z., Siembieda J. [digitized] 504