Med. Weter. 41 (11), 641-704, 1985
Examinations on the stability of Listeria mo-nocytogenes strain passaged through experimental animals treated with hydrocortisone
Nowacki J., Lewandowska S., Przymus J. [digitized] 651
Nowacki J., Lewandowska S., Przymus J. [digitized] 651
The IXth International Symposium of Veterinary Food Hygienists Association Pełczyńska E. [digitized] 657
The influence of heating on the survival of Salmonella sp. in naturally souring milk Uradziński J., Kafel S., Szteyn J. [digitized] 653
Seasonal fluctuation of the content of somatic cells in collective milk derived from non-infected and infected cowsheds with Str. agalactiae
Kostrzyński S., KozanecklM., Brzozowski P., Sciubisz A. [digitized] 660
Kostrzyński S., KozanecklM., Brzozowski P., Sciubisz A. [digitized] 660
Conformity of modified Whiteside's test to the number of somatic cells in sheep milk Bonczar G. [digitized] 664
The role of prostanoids in the central nervous system Kądziołka A., Ledwożyw A., Kozak W. [digitized] 668
The effect of keeping conditions and addition of vitamins A+D3 on rearing of pigs Ruda M., Majewski T. [digitized] 672
Isolated of blastomers and bisection of embryos as a method of multiplication and obtaining monozygotic progeny Skrzyszowska M. [digitized] 675
The level of progesteron in milk of cows as an index of proper time to insemination Janowski T., Chmiel J., Kucharski J. [digitized] 678
Properties of semen of rabbits in individual season of a year Dubiel A., Króliński J., Karpiak C [digitized] 680
Biological properties of the bull's semen conditioned by the level of endogenous glutation (GSH) Sławeta R., Laskowska-Klita T., Sosińska G [digitized] 685
The composition of fatty acids in the mitochondrial fraction of the liver and brain in mice with transplanted lymphatic leukaemia P 388 Madej J. A.,
Szymczak J. [digitized] 691
Szymczak J. [digitized] 691