Med. Weter. 42 (5), 257-320, 1986
Results of histopathological examinations of cattle suffered from leukaemia in the Gdańsk and Elbląg provinces Twardowski H.,
Kopczewski A. [digitized] 265
Kopczewski A. [digitized] 265
Studies on the sensitivity of bacteria pathogenic for the fish to Flumequine and some antibiotics Antychowicz J., Rogulska A., Paszowska K.,
Mazur W. [digitized] 270
Mazur W. [digitized] 270
Enzootia of infectious whitlow in cattle. II. Examinations on the presence of bacterial microflora "Cygan Z., Buczek J., Tomaszewska M.,
Chwesiuk W. [digitized] 276
Chwesiuk W. [digitized] 276
Effect of an active immunization of pigs in a large industrialized farm against leptospirosis Lewkowicz H., Nawratil H., Wandurski A. [digitized] 279
The application of systemic preparations in the control of Varroa disease Jędruszuk A. [digitized] 282
Appraisal of catecholamines level in blood of pigs under a manipulative stress .... Jakubowski K., Kowalski A., Zieliński H., Roszko E., Fitko R.,
Brzezińska M. [digitized] 285
Brzezińska M. [digitized] 285
Localization and dynamic of Wolfram-185 excretion in chickens polluted parenterally Nowosad R., Simoni J., Kubo k-Gottlieb Ł. [digitized] 287
Heterogenicity of desoxyrybonucleases of the reproductive tract of bulls and boars Czeczot H.,Strzeżek J. [digitized] 291
Attempts to assess the influence of body weight of bulls aged 360 days on the semen characteristics Kuczaj M., Paw1ina E. [digitized] 295