Med. Weter. 42 (4), 193-256, 1986


Fimbries of Escherichia coli and their role in colonisation of the small intestine Osek J. [digitized] 195
Review of essential problems of salmonellosis in men and animals Strzałkowski L. [digitized] 200
Examinations on specific prophylaxis against leptospirosis in breeding foxes Wołoszyn S., Andrychiewicz J. [digitized] 203
An outbreak of infectious footroot in cattle. I. Prevalence and course of the disease Buczek J., Cygan Z. [digitized] 208
Synthesis of studies on epizootiodogy and pro¬phylaxis of Aujeszky disease in industrialized swine breeding performed in 1981—1985
Janowski H., Siemionek J., Szweda W.
[digitized] 210
Comparative field examinations on the use of a monovalent and a bivalent vaccine in pigs in case of infectious atrophic rhinitis Rudy A., Giedrojć A.,
Tarasiuk K.
[digitized] 214
Serological diagnosis of bovine leukosis effects of application of precolostral udder secretion to examine cows in the dry period Kuźmak J.,
Grundboeck-Juśko J.
[digitized] 217
Experimental and spontaneous invasion of Paraf asciolopsis fasciolaemorpha in domesticated ruminants Moskwa B. [digitized] 220
Biotin in the treatment of dogs and after administration in breeding foxes Ro liński Z., Duda M. [digitized] 223
The effect of sublethal doses of trichlorphon on the distribution of 69Fe in an animal organism Kossakowski S. Zuk M. [digitized] 227
Immune response of carp lymphocytes to glycopeptid antigen of sheep erythrocytes Sopińska A. [digitized] 230
Sesamoid bones fractures in horses Modrakowski A., Siembieda J. [digitized] 232
Haematological and biochemical alterations in the blood following the use of maize corn treated with ammonia or siliged during pig fattening
Chichłowska J., Perz K., Maruniewicz W.
[digitized] 236
Persistance of cytoprotective effect of prostaglandins Ej and Ea during the action of swine erythrocytes . Ledwożyw A., Kądziołka A. [digitized] 239
Sources of egzogenous fatty acids Migdał W., Karczmarczyk J. [digitized] 241
Distribution of vitamin C in biological fluids and tissues of pregnant sows and their foetuses during pregnancy Malinowska A. [digitized] 244