Med. Weter. 45 (4), 193-256, 1989


Detection of Salmonella sp. Hoszowski A. [digitized] 195
Listeria monocytogenes — its epidemiological and epizootiological role Kwiatek K. et al. [digitized] 200
Variability of bacterial contamination of bovine proventriculi in relation to their ... Szkucik K. [digitized] 205
Mechanism of neurologic and psychiatric fuctional disturbances in rabies Baczyński Z. [digitized] 208
Examinations of the cerebrospinal liguid and encephalon in case of nervous type of listeriosis in sneep Sołtysiak Z. et al. [digitized] 211
Lateral opening of the brachial joint in a dog in surgical treatment of osteochondrosis dissecans humeri Janicki A. M. [digitized] 217
Effect of intoxication of guinea pig with diisopropylester of phosphatic acid (DFP) on the development ... Gajewski D. et al. [digitized] 219
Ethanol extract of herbage in the treatment of endometritis postpuerperalis in cows Borowiec J. [digitized] 221
Chemical com position of colostrum collected from various teats of the sow Migdal W. et al. [digitized] 225
Effect of a short term starva¬tion on a value of a liver clearance index of arfpiryne in calves in neonatal period Janus K. et al. [digitized] 228
The method of lymphocytes isolation from the perpiheral blood of foxes and the rosette test EA Kostro K. [digitized] 231