Med. Weter. 46 (11), 413-460, 1990


Evolutionary aspect of oncogenesis as an opposition to ageing on an organism Madej J. A. [digitized] 413
Positioning of sheep on an operation table and a gas exchange during Vetbutal narcosis Komar E., Balicki I., Silmanowicz P. [digitized] 417
The application of microsurgery in manipulation with oocytes and embryos of mammals Guszkiewicz A., Członkowska M. [digitized] 419
The influence of bone fat in feed for broilers on some haematological and biochemical indices Krasnodębska-Depta A., Koncicki A.. Faruga A..
Mikulski D.
[digitized] 422
The evaluation of the Penzym test using experimentally polluted by sanitizing substances milk Kurek C, Milko K., Kacprzyński M. [digitized] 424
Lead in food products prepared from game animals Falandysz J., Caboń J. [digitized] 427
Resistance of nemathodes to antiparasitic drugs Gundłach J. L.. Sadzikowski A. [digitized] 429
Attempts to immunise of animals against the enzootic bovine leukosis virus (BLV). I. Vaccination with an attenuated virus Grundboeck M.,
Grundboeck-Juśko J., Buzała E., Szczotka M., Rułka J.
[digitized] 433
Preliminary results with the intradermal test applied in the diagnosis of bovine enzootic leukaemia Rułka J.. Buzała E., Klimentowski S. [digitized] 436
The value of the agglutination test using a heat stable antigen in the diagnosis of leptospirosis in pigs Lewkowicz H. [digitized] 438
The activity of myeloperoxidase in carp neutrophils in the course of bacterial infection . Stosik M. [digitized] 440
Serum immunoglobulins in young bulls naturally infected with IBR/IPV (Bovid herpesvirus 1-BHV1) Deptuła W., Buczek J. [digitized] 441
Diagnosis of subclinic disturbances in haemostasis as an element of diagnosis of environmental causes of reproduction abnormalities
in herds of cows
Rutkowiak B. [digitized] 444
The influence of basic zoohygienic factors on the frequency of MMA syndrom in young sows Gajęcki M., Miłosz Z.. Zdunczyk E.. Prżała F., Bakuła T..
Bączek W.
[digitized] 447
Biological properties of bovine spermatozoons preserved in different herpesvirus 1 — BHV 1) Demianowicz W.. Strzeżek J. [digitized] 449
The evaluation of efficiency of horses based on changes in chosen- blood parameters at rest, after effort and during restitution Szarska E. [digitized] 452
Effects of intravenous infusion and oral intake of glucose, fructose, lactose and saccharose on the insulin secretion in lambs during postnatal
Studziński T., Czarnecki A.. Głuszak A., Radymska-Wawrzyniak K. [digitized] 454