Med. Weter. 46 (4), 73-120, 1990


Selected problems presented on the Xth Congress of the IPVS Tarasiuk K., Kochowicz W., Markowska-Daniel I., Sadoch L. [digitized] 74
Antibacterial activy of new disinfectants prepared on the basis of paraacetic acid Żóorawski C, Skwarek P., Kłopotek A., Osińska L. [digitized] 77
Immunistimulative complex — ISCOM Gliński Z., Buczek J. [digitized] 80
The occurence and level of specific antibodies in pigs vaccinated against Aujeszky's disease (AD) Siemionek J. [digitized] 85
Diagnostic of infections in cattle with parainfluenza virus (PI3V) by means of the double diffusion test (ID) Rulka J. [digitized] 88
Biosynthesis of milk proteins Kostyra E. [digitized] 90
An outbreak of trichinellosis in the epizootic and epidemiologic aspects Winiecki B. [digitized] 93
Cachectine Ledwożyw A., Kądziołka A. [digitized] 94
Influence of stage of lactation and season on morbidity in cows in a large scale dairy farm Empel W., Kozanecki M., Brzozowski P., Kurek A.,
Wojdan J.
[digitized] 97
Pathazone in the treatment of acute and subacute forms of mastitis in cows Kurek C, Owecki R., Kacprzyński M. [digitized] 100
Pathomorphological changes in dead hen embryos at low values of cooling in the breed chamber Borzemska W., Piusiński W., Malec H.,
Niedziółka J.
[digitized] 103
Copporal (Beecham Animal Health) on body weight gains and enzymatic activity in blood of bulls Kleczkowski M. [digitized] 106
Ultrasonic diagnosis of pregancy in sheep Tischner M., Wierzchoś E. [digitized] 108
Effect of drugs contracting uterus used in periparturient period on rearing of piglets and further exploitation of sows Wandurski A. [digitized] 111
Control of flies in in cowsheds Tymczyna L., Majewski T. [digitized] 112
Effect of low environmental temperature on erythrocytic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG), triiodothyroxine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) concentration
in the blood plasma of rabits
Studziński T., Czarnecki A., Głuszak A. [digitized] 114