Med. Weter. 47 (9), 385-432, 1987
Pathogenicity of the Pasteurella multocida toxin for rabbits Frymus T., Bielecki W., Jakubowski T. [digitized] 387
Effectiveness of a planned action of mastitis control in the Gdańsk voivodeship in 1983—1988 . . Kurek C [digitized] 390
Safety and efficacy of simultaneous vaccination of rabbits against haemorrhagic pneumonia (pest of rabbits) and myxomatosis Mizak B.,
Chrobocińska M., Górski J. [digitized] 395
Chrobocińska M., Górski J. [digitized] 395
Survival of Salmonella sp. isolated from foxes in the soil and water Strzałkowski L., Kopczewski A. [digitized] 397
Application od ELISA for detection of antibody against swine fever virus in screening studies Pejsak Z., Kołacz J. [digitized] 400
Dynamics of CELO virus propagation in embryanated chick eggs infected experimentally Karpińska E., Borzemska W.,
Samorek-Salamonowicz E., Szeleszczuk P., Kosowska G. [digitized] 402
Samorek-Salamonowicz E., Szeleszczuk P., Kosowska G. [digitized] 402
The effect of Varroa jacobsoni invasion on condition of bee colonies Romaniuk K., Bobrzecki J., Sokół R., Witkiewicz W. [digitized] 404
The level of heavy metals in the brain of dogs Michalska Z., Sołtysiak Z., Milian A. [digitized] 410
The use of fumigant strips with 200 mg of bromopropylate to control Varroa in the honey bees Kostecki R., Jeliński M. [digitized] 412
Trace elements concentrations in cattle tissues in Poland Żmudzki J., Szkoda J., Juszkiewicz T. [digitized] 413
Application of Biolactin-2 (purified porcine prolactine) in stimulation of lactation in sows Dusza L., Sobczak J., Jana B., Murdza A., Błuj W. [digitized] 418
Isolation of peripheral blood lymphocytes of pregant cows and sheep in a Gradisol G gradient Anusz K., Zaleska M., Kowalski B., Jędryka J.,
Kita J. [digitized] 421
Kita J. [digitized] 421
The activity of digestive enzymes the stomach acidity in weaning piglets feeding with HC1 acidified diet Jabłonowski Z., Żółtowska K.,
Piechocki D., Łukaszewicz-Babecka J., Dziekońska-Rynko J. [digitized] 423
Piechocki D., Łukaszewicz-Babecka J., Dziekońska-Rynko J. [digitized] 423
Effect of fodder supplementation with sodium sulphate on the level of methane and volatile fatty acids in rumen contents in sheep in vivo Zawadzki W.,
Rak L [digitized] 425
Rak L [digitized] 425