Med. Weter. 47 (5), 193-240, 1991
Acquired immune deficiency in infections caused by feline leukaemia virus . . Daniel A, Górski J. [digitized] 197
Computer simulation of rabies development in foxes . . Krakowiak J., Bartoszcze M., Palec S. [digitized] 199
Trials to control of bovine brucellosis using the ELISA test on milk samples Kita J., Królak M., Stryszak A., Kurek C [digitized] 200
Course of Varroa jacobsoni invasion in the honey bee colonies with queens of different races Romaniuk K., Bobrzecki J., Sokół R.,
Witkiewicz W. [digitized] 202
Witkiewicz W. [digitized] 202
Serum immunoglobulins in polar foxes infected naturally with distemper virus Deptuła W., Tokarz B. [digitized] 204
Application of Regumate preparation for better use of reproductive potential of young sows Pejsak Z., Dzieciuchowicz M., Tarasiuk K., Bulzacki K.,
Wałachowski M. [digitized] 209
Wałachowski M. [digitized] 209
Field gynecologic examinations of arabian mares by the use of ultrasonograph Czerwonka B. [digitized] 215
Lead, mercury, zinc, copper and iron in horse tissues in Poland Zmudzki J., Juszkiewicz T., Szkoda J., Szprengier-Juszkiewicz T. [digitized] 217
Studies on the possibilities of intravital determinations of the level of lead, copper and zinc in organs of cows Monkiewicz J., Pałasz A.,
Radzanowska G. [digitized] 219
Radzanowska G. [digitized] 219
The ability of leukocytes and macrophages of the sow milk secretion for deiodination (conversion) of thyroid hormones.
Ślebodziński A. B., Schollenberger A., Krysin E., Degórsiki T. [digitized] 222
Ślebodziński A. B., Schollenberger A., Krysin E., Degórsiki T. [digitized] 222
Serum proteins of polar foxes — separation on polyacrylamide gel Brodacki A., Kostro K. [digitized] 224
Time and thermic conditions of blood samples storage and the values of acid-basic balance- in cows Heydrych E. M., Więckowski W. [digitized] 226
Evaluation of nitroblue tetrazolium reduction by sheep polymorphonuclear neutrophils in cytochemical and spectrophotometric techniques
Czernomysy-Furowicz D., Furowicz A. J. [digitized] 227
Czernomysy-Furowicz D., Furowicz A. J. [digitized] 227