Med. Weter. 47 (2), 49-96, 1991
Selected problems of per os vaccination in rabies control by fox Bartoszcze M., Mierzejewski J., Kujawski J. [digitized] 51
Evaluation of immunogenic and preventive properties of the elaborated adorai vaccine against rabies of cats Baczyński Z., Rola J. [digitized] 53
Studies of pathological and immunogenic properties and shedding of a modified Wrocław-2 strain of Equine arteritis virus Pawęska J. [digitized] 55
Identification and characteristics of Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Moraxella and Xanthomonas spp. isolated from fish, water and bottom
residuals of the Baltic Grawiński E., Kraszewski A. [digitized] 58
residuals of the Baltic Grawiński E., Kraszewski A. [digitized] 58
Tuberculosis of polecat-ferrets caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis Hołub M., Kubiński T., Barcz I. Jurkowski W. [digitized] 61
Nosema apis invasion in honey bees parasitized by Varroa jacobsoni mite Romaniuk K., Wawrzyniak S. [digitized] 62
The immune response of calves vaccinated with live and inactivated strains of the PI-3, BHV 1 and Adeno-2 viruses Deptuła W., Buczek J.,
Deptuła D. [digitized] 64
Deptuła D. [digitized] 64
Tissue concentrations of chloramphenicol in pigs after intramuscular injection of Detreomycin Juszkiewicz T., Niewiadówska A., Semeniuk S.,
Biernacki B., Włodarczyk B. [digitized] 67
Biernacki B., Włodarczyk B. [digitized] 67
Causes of distrubances in fertility in cows and heifers in individual farm Jędreas A. [digitized] 72
The value of VN and ELIS A tests in the serodiagnosis of IPV-IBR of cattle Salwa A., Donderska B. [digitized] 74
Characteristics of calving of Simental and Red-White cows in the Krosno voivodship Trautman J., Tarkowski J., Całka A. [digitized] 76
The influence of environ¬mental conditions and nutrition on a healthy state and productivity of young slaughter turkeys Koncicki A.,
Krasnodębska-Depta A., Zduńczyk E., Felska M. [digitized] 81
Krasnodębska-Depta A., Zduńczyk E., Felska M. [digitized] 81
Colour test for the diagnosis of a subclinical form of ketosis . Heydrych E. M., Więckowski W. [digitized] 84
The influence of volatile fatty acids acetic, propionic and butyric acids on absorption of vitamin C in broilers Nagórna-Stasiak B.,
Łazuga-Adamczyk A., Lechowski J. [digitized] 86
Łazuga-Adamczyk A., Lechowski J. [digitized] 86
Changes in erythrocyte and leukocyte patterns and in immunoglobulin complex in the Lowland Polish Longwooled breed lambs during postnatal life
Czarnecki A., Głuszak A., Radymska-Wawrzyniak K., Rybka A., Studziński T. [digitized] 90
Czarnecki A., Głuszak A., Radymska-Wawrzyniak K., Rybka A., Studziński T. [digitized] 90