Med. Weter. 47 (1), 1-48, 1991


Mechanisms of bacterial food — borne infections and intoxications Sinell H.-J. [digitized] 3
Campylobacter jejuni as a food — borne pathogen Matyaś Z. [digitized] 7
Varroa disease — a current state of knowledge and prospects of its control Gliński Z., Stark J. A. [digitized] 10
Effect of Varroa jacobsoni on the worker bees body weight Romaniuk K., Wawrzyniak S. [digitized] 12
Hypersensitivity to tuberculia and the presence of specific antibodies in hens infected with M. avium or atypical acid fast bacilli Lipiec M.,
Cegielski A.
[digitized] 14
Metabolic disturbances in leukaemic tymphocytes of animals in vivo and in vitro Madej J. A. [digitized] 17
Attempts of immunization of animals against bovine leukosis virus (BLV). II. Vaccination with formalin or glutaraldehyde fixed cells
Grundboeck M., Grundboeck-Juśko J., Buzała E., Szczotka M., Rułka J.
[digitized] 22
The control of enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) in a herd of Charolaise breed Klimentowski S., Kowalski S., Rypula T., Piwko E. [digitized] 25
Fluorine'distribution in rabbits tissues following a multiple application of sodium fluoride' Szkoda J., Juszkiewicz T. [digitized] 27
The level of acetone in the blood and milk of cows at the beginning of lactation period Heydrych E. M., Więckowski W. [digitized] 28
Studies on the effect of Dolopasz on acid-base balance in dairy cows Zieliński J. [digitized] 30
The in vitro cultivation and fertilization of oocytes in the sheep Eysymont U, Członkowska M., Guszkiewicz A., Papis K, Kossakowski M., Dziak J.,
Szwed T.
[digitized] 32
The use of cytologic examination in diagnosis of diseases of genital tract in mares Lietz W. [digitized] 34
Some haematological and biochemical indices of the blood of Polish horses in the course of pregnancy Wiśniewski E., Krumrych W. [digitized] 36
The influence of water limitation on the metabolic clearance of antipyrine in calves Janus K., Baranow-Baranowski S., Jakubowska D. [digitized] 38