Med. Weter. 48 (8), 337-384, 1992


Economical losses due to the Aujeszky's disease Lipowski A. [digitized] 339
Ilnd Congress of European Society for Veterinary Virology (E. S. V. V.) Żmudziński J. F., Pejsak Z. [digitized] 342
Evaluation of three serological tests and delayed hypersensitivity to diagnose IBR-IPV wirus infections in cattle Try bała E., Wiśniewski J.,
Kalicki M.
[digitized] 345
The application of the line codes to mark goods Walczowska A. [digitized] 348
Trichinella spiralis in pigs and rats on a pig fattening farm Gundlach J. L., Samojłowicz M., Sadzikowski A. B. [digitized] 351
Trace elements in pig tissues in Poland Żmudzki J., Juszkiewicz T., Szkoda J. [digitized] 353
Pathomorphology and pathogenesis of th^ ascites hypoxia syndrome in chickens in Poland Mide j J. A., Mazurkiewicz M., Gaweł A., Kuryszko J.,
Kotoński B., Sobiech K. A.
[digitized] 355
Polyarthritis in beef cattle due to Mycoplasma bovis Kondracki M., Pilaszek J., Cąkała S. [digitized] 359
Application of Propionibacterium avidum (PA) KP-40 in stimulation of pigs immunized with selected viral antigens Markowska-Daniel I., Pejsak Z.,
Tarasiuk K, Błaszczyk B., Szmigielski S., Pulverer G.
[digitized] 361
The bacterial titre in sera of calves from various environmental conditions Deptuła W., Stosik M., Tokarz-Deptuła B. [digitized] 364
Antibiotic sensitivity of bacteriae isolated from bovine mastitis Malinowski E.. Kłossowska A., Kuźma K, Krukowski H. [digitized] 366
The effect of protobiotics — Biogen Dw and Biogen D„ on productional effects and physiological parameters of slaughter chickens Mazurkiewicz M.,
Jamroz D., Gaweł A., Wieliczko A., Klimentowski S., Madej J. A.
[digitized] 368
Administration of enzymatic supplements to washing preparations for preparative techniques Bartels T., Flachsbarth M. F., Meyer W.,
Godynicki S.
[digitized] 371
Fluctuation of haematological parameters of the Polish ponnies in dependence of the season of the year Krumrych W., Wiśniewski E. [digitized] 373