Med. Weter. 48 (1), 1-48, 1992
The influence of time and sera storage conditions on the titers of specific antibodies against enzootic bovine leukaemia virus Kozaczyńska B..
Grundboeck J., Bicka L. [digitized] 9
Grundboeck J., Bicka L. [digitized] 9
Specific immunoprophylaxis against cattle ring'worm by means of inactivated combined vaccine Wawrzkiewicz K., Wawrzkiewicz J.,
Ziółkowska G. [digitized] 14
Ziółkowska G. [digitized] 14
Occurrence of Aeromonas hydrophila strains in fish in the region cf the Olsztyn province and their susceptibility to cherr.otherapeutics
Jakubczak A., Anusz Z., Bernad A. [digitized] 18
Jakubczak A., Anusz Z., Bernad A. [digitized] 18
Aciinobacillus equuli causes septicaemia in a foal Molenda J., Czajkowska A., Sołtysiak Z. [digitized] 20
Frequency of congenital leg muscle hypoplasia in piglets reared on floors of various degree of adhesion . Kołacz R., Houszka M., Siembieda J.,
Gotszling M. [digitized] 24
Gotszling M. [digitized] 24
Treatment of respiratory diseases of calves with cephalosporin Ceftiofur Anus z K., Nowak G., Kita J. [digitized] 26
An increasing resistance of chickens to repeated stress Fitko R., Jakubowski K, Roszko E., Potrzuska I., Zieliński H. [digitized] 29
Prophylactic application of Biolactin-2 preparation in replacement gilts and the MMA syndrome Przała J., Gajęcki M., Przała F., Ryszka F. [digitized] 31
Cattle oocytes cultivated in vitro — cytogenetic evaluation Lechniak D., Switoński M. [digitized] 34
Evaluation of a sensory sensitivity of students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Warsaw Agricultural University in 1975—1991 Szczawiński J.,
Tropiło J., Szczawińska M., Stańczak B. [digitized] 37
Tropiło J., Szczawińska M., Stańczak B. [digitized] 37