Med. Weter. 49 (8), 337-384, 1993


Biotop and anaerobic diseases of man and animals — a, review Cygan Z., Cygan W. [digitized] 339
About need of studies of infectious diseases of free-living animals — a review Kita J. [digitized] 342
Biological properties of seleniu and vitamin E. Part II. Vitanin E — a review Furowicz A. J., Czernomysy-Furowicz D., Dąbrowski W. [digitized] 344
The system of MHC — Mean Histocompatibility System in man and animals. Chosen aspects — a review Dąbrowski W. [digitized] 347
Chosen diseases of the reproductive tract of mares — a review Lietz W., O kolski A. [digitized] 350
Effectiveness of the treatement of clinical mastitis using intramammary drugs or combinations of antibiotics in cows Malinowski E., Kłossowska A.,
Szalbierz M., Markiewicz H.
[digitized] 354
Ultrasonographic evaluation of the functional structures of the ovarial surface in cows during oestrus and early pregnancy Jaśkowski J. M., Wiese M.,
Walien burg J.
[digitized] 356
Infection of piglets with rotaviruses in large scale farms Winiarczyk S., Grądzki Z., Pejsak Z. [digitized] 359
The effect of a dietary fat source and vitamin E supplementation in pig diet on some lipid component contents in the heart Grela E. [digitized] 361
The effect of a mineral supplement Wisol T-87 on the content of Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn and Mg in the livers and muscles of fatteners Migdał W.,
Koczanowski J., Kaczmarczyk J., Tuz R., Klocek C, Radecka B., Gawęda A.
[digitized] 364
Contamination of water by farms of fur-bearing animals Saba L., Sławoń J., Polonis A., Bis-Wencel H. [digitized] 365
Measuring of pH in stomach juice in dogs by the direct method of using a combined electrode Nicpoń J., Janeczko K., Kubiak K. [digitized] 368
Influence of IR radiation on the dynamics of biothermal parameters in calves Chudoba-Drozdowska B., Janeczek W., Rójko wski A. [digitized] 370
The incidence of pathogenic parasites in slaughter animals in the Kielce region in 1987—1992 Konopka S. [digitized] 373
Remarks on the fish manufacturing in Poland and in the Europen Community — a review Sikorski Z. E., Sadowska M. [digitized] 374
Usefulness of different media and growth factor preparations for culturing and isolating Mycobacterium paratuberculosis Żórawski C,
Lipiec M.
[digitized] 377
Effect of mill cakes from Evening primarose (Oenothera biennis L.) seeds on the activity of pancreatic and liver enzymes in broilers Masiulanis J.,
Zipser J., Liczmański A., Podgórski W.
[digitized] 380