Med. Weter. 49 (3), 97-144, 1993


Epidemiology of neoplastic diseases in animals and humans — a review Grundboeck M. [digitized] 99
Etiopathogencsis and patoniorphology of feline leucosis and its serological examination using ELISA test in Wrocław — a review Madej J. A.,
Klimentowski S., Rutka J.
[digitized] 103
Diagnostics of infections caused by the Feline leukaemia virus and prophylactic methods — a review Buczek J. Buczek K. [digitized] 106
Hormones and related substances in the colostrum and milk of the cow — a review Slebodziński A. B. [digitized] 109
Progress in studies on infectious stunting syndrome — (ISS) in chickens — a review Rzedzicki J., Kowalska M. [digitized] 112
Humoral response of the adrenal glands of chickens following the action of a new stress factor Fitko R., Jakubowski K., Zieliński H.,
Potrzuska I.
[digitized] 115
Survival of pathogenic microorganism and parasites in excreta, manure and sewage sludge. Part II — a review Strauch D. [digitized] 117
Achievements in the diagnosis and control of infectious honey bee diseases — a review Gliński Z., Gacek G., Grzegorczyk K. [digitized] 121
Preliminary examinations of the influence of Apitol (Ciba-Geigy AG) and Apistan (Sandoz AG) on activity of chosen enzymes of the midgut
epithelium of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.)
Chorbiński P. [digitized] 125
Results of veterinary inspection of slaughtered horses in Poland in compliance with neoplasms Lis H. [digitized] 128
Usefulness of Rumineral made by Biowet-Puławy in the prophylaxis and treatment of mineral disturbances in cattle Madej A., Stec A.,
Grzęda M.
[digitized] 130
Comparison of the blastic transformation test, leukocyte migration test and allergic skin test in calves experimentally infected with BHV-1
Wiśniewski J., Try bała E., Rotkiewicz Z., Grabowska G.
[digitized] 134
Occurrence and extensiveness of invasion of lung nematodes in red deer, fallow deer and roe deer in the South and North of Poland
Misiewicz J., Demiaszkiewicz A. W.
[digitized] 137