Med. Weter. 51 (8), 437-496, 1995
Clinical application of drugs activating alf a-ad renergic receptors and their side effects Roliński Z. et al. [digitized] 439
Infections of the respiratory tract caused by viruses - serological survey Klimentowski S. et al. [digitized] 459
The influence of selenium and Systamex on the course of gastro-intestinal... Romaniuk K. et al. [digitized] 462
Dynamic of mould fungi multiplication in grains and mixed meals and their influence on fattening results in pigs Jarczyk A. [digitized] 464
The influence of different organic acids and flavomycin in fodder ... Orda J. et al. [digitized] 467
Brucellosis in people professionally exposed to infection in 1992-1993 Stroczyńska-Sikorska M. et al. [digitized] 470
Immunogenic properties of a two-component autovaccine Perseptivac based ... Cygan Z. et al. [digitized] 475
The influence of the administration of immunostimulative doses of levamisole... Kościński W. et al. [digitized] 477
Reconstruction of the anterior crucial ligament (ACL) in dogs by means ... Ratajska-Michalczak K. et al. [digitized] 479
The value of ultrasonographic examinations in the diagnosis of focal changes in the hepatic parenchyma Narojek T. [digitized] 482
A case of a centroblastic-centrocystic malignant lymphoma of the lymphatic glands Nieradka R. et al. [digitized] 486
Results of veterinary inspection of slaughter animals in the Kielce voivodship in 1989-1993 . Konopka B. [digitized] 487