Med. Weter. 51 (2), 57-116, 1995
The effect of extramineral feeding of goats on the level of mineral elements in the blood serum Bis-Wencel H. [digitized] 81
ELISA for the diagnosis of some infectious diseases of cattle by the use of milk samples KIimentowski S., et. al [digitized] 86
Influence of immunization to equine influenza on the parameters of cellular immune responses Za1eska M., Anusz K., Kita J. [digitized] 90
Influence of FSH-P and Folicotropin on superovulation in cows of different breeds Jaśkowski J. M., et. al [digitized] 97
3-hydroxy-3-methylbuty-ric acid (HMB) in immunological reactions generated by nutritional ... Ostaszewski P., et. al [digitized] 100