Med. Weter. 52 (10), 605-668, 1996
Prophylaxis of intestinal infections in calves caused by enterotoxic strains of Escherichia coli Wernicki A. [digitized] 615
Heavy metals exposition and protective mechanisms in animals Bodak E., Kołacz R., Dobrzański Z. [digitized] 619
Methods of deriving bovine oocytes and their use for embryo production in vitro Gogol P., Smorąg Z. [digitized] 630
he efficacy of a tiamulin and tetracycline combination in the therapy of swine pneumonia Pejsak Z., Wasiriski B. T [digitized] 637
Serological response of calves infected with parainflueza and leukemia virus in the hemagglutination inhibition test (HI) Rułka J . [digitized] 640
A case of hypothermia in turkeypoult embryos in the final stage of hatching Malec H., Borzemska W., Niedziółka J. [digitized] 645
Attempts at evaluating the role of the viral agent in the etiology ... Wójcik J., Mizak B., Chrobocińska M., Kopczewski A., Saba L. [digitized] 647
Metrisan AN a new preparation for treatment of metritis Malinowski E., Ziętara J., Markiewicz H., Sobolewski J., Krupecki K. [digitized] 649
Coagulation abnormalities in certain horse diseases Dąbrowska J., Wiśniewski E., Danek J., Krumrych W. [digitized] 661