Med. Weter. 52 (4), 205-272, 1996
Gumboro diseaseetiology and pathomorphology Szeleszczuk P., Borzemska W., Karpińska E. [digitized] 207
Pregnancy diagnosis in bitches. I. Clinical examination and x-ray diagnostic Niżański W., Dejneka G. J. [digitized] 210
Some characteristics of ticks and their medical – veterinary significance Prokopowicz D. [digitized] 224
Prophylactics of bovine enzootic leukaemia in light of the newest scientific advances Reichert M. [digitized] 231
ntake of mercury with the food products of animal origin in Poland Szprengier-Juszkiewicz T. I [digitized] 234
Polish terminology of the main states of the antiinfectious defense of an organism Larski Z. [digitized] 238
The activity of colistin and tylosin combination against pathogenic microflora Ro1iński Z., Kowalski C., Wlaź P., Furmaga R. [digitized] 242
The role of bacteria in the endometritispyometra complex in bitches Birger M., Staroniewicz Z. [digitized] 245
Vetaraxoid and Sofan in the treatment of atopic inflammation of external auditory ducts in dogs Hałas C., Dobrzyński A., Leśniewski S. F. [digitized] 248
Attempts to develop a safe and immunogenic vaccine against parvovirus infections in foxes and minks Mizak B ., Górski J . | [digitized] 252
Comparison of selected immunological parameters in silver and polar foxes Kostro K., Wołoszyn S. [digitized] 255
The influence of synchronization of ovula¬tion and reinsemination on the number of litters in gilts and sows .... Krzyżanowski J., Wrona Z. [digitized] 260
Administration of monoclonal antibodies in the DAS ELISA for the detection of hens infected with avian leucosis viruses . . Minta Z., Dambrine G. [digitized] 262
The use of acidifying and probiotic preparates in piglet rearing Rekiel A., Kulisiewicz J. [digitized] 266