Med. Weter. 53 (11), 621-684, 1997


Some recent data on microbiology and infectious diseases (VI) Larski Z. [digitized] 623
Snails of Helix spp. - patients in veterinary practice Sadzikowski A. B., Tomczuk K. [digitized] 630
Birds, rodents, foxes and rabies . . M61 H., Ruprecht A. B. [digitized] 638
Rubidium - ultratrace element Kosla T. [digitized] 642
The role of copper and manganese in pathogenesis of bone diseases in animals Gehrke M. [digitized] 644
The usefulness of chitin derivatives in the treatment of people and animals Synowiecki J. [digitized] 647
The technique of arthroscopic examination and physiological pictures of some joints Wąsowski R., Brzeski W., Adamiak Z., Nowicki M. [digitized] 650
Equine arteritis virus (EAV) infections in pre-weaning foals Golnik W., Paw^ska J. [digitized] 654
Seroprevalence of Aujeszky's disease in Poland in 1997 Pejsak Z., Mokrzycka A., Lipowski A., Maciolek H. [digitized] 656
Morphological changes of duck livers during rearing on the fattened livers Szarek J., Fabczak J., Winnicki S., Antosik P., Janiszewska A. [digitized] 661
The influence of limited strength laser radiation on the effective treatment of dogs with osteomyelitis Wozniak P., Brzeski W., Chyczewski M., Jatyriski M. [digitized] 665
Monitoring selected blood parameters in calves immunized with Somnuvac vaccine in field conditions Stefaniak T., Nowacki W., Molenda J., Sobiech E., Nikolajczuk M. [digitized] 668