Med. Weter. 53 (9), 485-544, 1997


Infectious salmon anaemia Prost M. [digitized] 487
Antivitamins as natural substances of food and as xenobiotics Truchliński J. [digitized] 490
Hyaluronic acid and its application in the treatment of arthropathia deformans in animals Kania B. F., Dębski B., Redel S., Wojnowski B. [digitized] 494
Hair of animals - their characteristic and a mean in differentiation of species Pyz-Łukasik R. [digitized] 500
Genetic polymorphism of blood proteins of horse races reared in Poland Pikuła R., Tomaszewska-Guszkiewicz K., Gronet D. [digitized] 503
The 65th General Session of the OIE Truszczyński M., Twarowski B. [digitized] 507
The influence of vitamins on the absorption of exogenous amino acids in chickens Nagórna-Stasiak B., Lechowski J., Kowalczyk M. [digitized] 509
The usefulness of Dectomax® (Pfizer) for the control of parasites in pigs Ramisz A., Ka1icka - Rainis A., Wojciechowski J. [digitized] 512
Attempts to eliminate mercury from chicken tissues after intoxication with phenylomercury chloride using MESNA preparation Samek M., Marvan F., Arkuszewska E., Żarski T. P. [digitized] 516
Antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease in cattle exported from Poland in the years 1993-1995 Kęsy A., Niedbalski W., Fitzner A., Paprocka G. [digitized] 520
The steroidogenic activity of the corpora lutea population of the prolific Olkusz sheep Zięba D., Wierzchoś E. [digitized] 522
Congenital dysplasia of the sacrum bone as a cause of leg paresis Gehrke M., Lachowski A. [digitized] 526