Med. Weter. 53 (7), 365-424, 1997


Some more recent data on microbiology and infectious diseases (V) Larski Z. [digitized] 367
Clostridium perfringens epsylon toxin - properties and pathogenic action Cygan Z. [digitized] 374
Current data on Brucella diagnostic and infections in sheep and goats Iwaniak W., Szulowski K., Pilaszek J., Truszczyński M. [digitized] 377
Draught horses in ecological and modern economical aspects Sasimowski E. [digitized] 380
Organic compounds of Selenium in animal nutrition Grela E., Sembratowicz I. [digitized] 385
Isolation and the in vitro cultivation of bovine egg vesicles Kątska L. [digitized] 387
Metabolic mechanisms of ovarian dysfunction in cows Bronicki M., Dembiński Z. [digitized] 391
Pathogenicity of Aeromonas sp. For carp and their citotoxity Sopińska A., Grochola A., Guz L. [digitized] 394
Pigmentation of salmonid fish fed on carotenoids Synowiecki J., Shahidi F. [digitized] 398
A case of swine eperythrozoonosis Wasiński B., Ziomko I., Pejsak Z. [digitized] 401
Detection of Escherichia coli strains with fimbrial adhesins by means of ELISA-blot test Osek J. [digitized] 404
The fertility of cows under a targeted breeding program using prostaglandin F2-0C Jaśkowski J. M., Urbaniak K. [digitized] 407
The influence of short intraruminal infusions of sodium sulphate on the level of methane in arterial ... Zawadzki W. [digitized] 410
Morphological and funcional properties ... Achmetsadykov N. N., Mukanov K. K., Saginova S. K., Mejramkulova K. S. [digitized] 413
Milk yield efficiency of cows in relation to their age at first calving Gnyp J., Litwiriczuk Z. [digitized] 415