Med. Weter. 53 (4), 177-236, 1997


Diseases of slaughter poultry in Poland .... Szeleszczuk P. [digitized] 179
Immunoglobulins of water poultry Samorek-Salamonowicz E., Czekaj H., Kozdruń W. [digitized] 187
Hypothyroidosis in dogs - endocrinologic diagnostics and treatment Schollenberger A., Lechowski R., Sternicka J., Degorski A. [digitized] 189
Enterotoxaemia in rabbits Cygan Z. [digitized] 194
Methods of molecular biology in the diagnostics of transmissible gastro-enteritis of pigs Grądzki Z., Winiarczyk S. [digitized] 197
The Central Commision for Scientific Title and Degrees in Poland - the new term and remarks upon activities Prost E. [digitized] 202
Economic consequences of a PRRS outbreak on a large pig farm Pejsak Z., Markowska-Daniel L, Stadejek T., Jodko Z. [digitized] 204
The influence of acid and alkaline indigestion of pregnant cows on the health of their progeny Nicpori J., Jonkisz P. [digitized] 208
Molecular diagnostics of leukocyte adhesion deficiency in cattle Lubieniecki K., Grzybowski G. [digitized] 214
Usefulness of ultrasonographic and clinical examinations of ovaries in cows in respect to their effectiveness for the assessment of superovulation Jaskowski J. M., Zbylut J., Urbaniak K., Sucharski M. [digitized] 218
An attempt to induce a limited poliovulation in heifers Max A., Jurka P., Witkowski M., Ptaszyriska M., Boryczko Z., Romanowicz-Barcikowska K. [digitized] 221
The effect of Vitamin E on ascorbic acid synthesis in chickens Nagórna-Stasiak B., Lechowski J., Kowalczyk M. [digitized] 224
Long-lasting action of propolis extracts on Staphylococcus aureus . Meresta T. [digitized] 227