Med. Weter. 54 (4), 217-288, 1998


Helicobacter in stomach infections in people and animals Cygan Z., Cygan W [digitized] 219
New data concerning the incidence and combatting of hog cholera in Europe Pejsak Z. [digitized] 224
Rickettsial diseases of the fish Prost M. [digitized] 227
Colitis X (typhlocolitis) in horses Wiśniewski E., Dąbrowska J. [digitized] 230
Factors affecting pregnancy in the embryos of recipient cows Jaśkowski J. M. [digitized] 236
Current views on etiopathogenesis of endometritis-pyometritis syndrome in female dogs Birger M., Samborski Z. [digitized] 239
Some thoughts on life and rabies MólH. [digitized] 242
Computer analysis of antibiotic resistance patterns of bacteria isolated from pigs Roliński Z., Skrobisz J., Kowalski C, Sobol M. [digitized] 247
The examinations of new-born foxes for CHV and Mycoplasma infections as well as Toxocara canis infestation Smielewska-Łoś E.,
Klimentowski S., Kaszubkiewicz Cz., Pacoń J.
[digitized] 253
Application of flow cytometry for analysis of classical swine fever virus infection of piglets caused by strains of different virulency
Markowska-Daniel I., Winnicka A., Kluciński W, Pejsak Z.
[digitized] 258
Immunogenic properties of the vaccine against sheep campylobacteriosis Bronicka A., Dembiński Z. [digitized] 265
Effect of gastrointestinal nematode infection on seroconversion after vaccination of geese against Derzsy's disease Ziomko I., Kuczyńska E.,
Samorek-Salamonowicz E., Czekaj H.
[digitized] 268
Potential agents of reproductive failures in vixens Mizak B., Rzeiutka A., Matras J. [digitized] 2 71
Comparison of the antipyrine elimination test in calves with the changes of endogenous bile acids concentration in the blood Janus K,
Suszycka J., Muszczyński Z.
[digitized] 276
urther studies on the usefulness of Uterotonic-Polfa in the reproduction of sows Kotowski K, Szrom A. [digitized] 279F
Effectiveness of Tamoxifen -Hexal in the treatment of neoplasms in dogs Kłaczyński W [digitized] 281