Med. Weter. 54 (2), 73-144, 1998


Some new data concerning virology Larski Z. [digitized] 75
Iodine prophylaxis in animals Bobek S. [digitized] 80
Immune response in insects to fungal diseases Gliński Z., Jarosz J. [digitized] 87
Role of the main histocompatibility system in animal breeding Charon K. M. [digitized] 92
Contemporary methods of oestrus synchronization in beef cows Zbylut J., Jaśkowski J. M. [digitized] 97
Evaluation of semen quality by the use of flow cytometry Bochenek M. [digitized] 101
Prevalence of parasites of the alimentary tract in cats from the Olsztyn region Szelągiewicz M., Sokół R., Spodniewska A. [digitized] 106
Hygienic quality of milk and milk products in Poland Wojtoń B., Różańska H. [digitized] 108
Pathomorphology of ocute adrenal insufficiency in piglets Kluciński W., Winnicka A., Sikora J., Sitarska E., Kleczkowski M., Rotkiewicz M.,
Czumińska K.
[digitized] 112
Comparison of cytology and phagocytic activity of cells in the tracheobronchial aspirate and in bronchoalveolar lavage of normal horses
Lechowski R., Malicka E., Dembele K.
[digitized] 115
Characteristics of growth hormone changes in peripheral blood in Polish Friesian cattle Grochowska R., Snochowski M., Reklewski Z. [digitized] 119
Progress in sheep reproduction due to in vitro fertilization Ptak G., Tischner M. [digitized] 123
Influence of permethrin on phagocytic activity of carp Sopińska A., Guz L. [digitized] 126