Med. Weter. 70 (2), 112-116, 2014

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Florowski T., Florowska A., Adamczak L., Kur A., Pisula A.
Evaluation of the possibility of using PSE pork in the production of restructured cooked hams
The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of using PSE pork in the production of restructured hams. The raw material for hams consisted of muscles (m. semimembranosus) with a PSE defect, and the comparative material was high quality meat (RFN). The quality of the meat was assessed by measuring its pH, electrical conductivity, colour parameters, and drip loss during storage. The PSE and RFN meat was subsequently used for producing restructured hams. The evaluation of the quality of the hams included the evaluation of their texture, colour, chemical composition, and sensory properties (surface moisture, binding and juiciness). The cooking loss and the drip loss during storage were also determined. The PSE meat was characterized by lower pH, higher electrical conductivity, lighter colour, and considerably greater drip loss and weight loss after thawing compared to the RFN meat. The effect of the inferior quality of PSE meat on the quality of meat products can be limited by restructuring. Restructured hams made from the PSE meat were paler than those made from the RFN meat, but otherwise similar in quality.
Key words: PSE and RFN meat, restructured hams, quality