Med. Weter. 71 (5), 257-328, 2015


Pathomorphology and pathogenesis of very rare groups of tumors Madej J.A. [ summary ] 264
Autologous platelet rich plasma - possibilities of clinical application Aleksiewicz R., Starczewska I., Kostrzewski M. [ summary ] 276
Poultry vaccines available on the Polish market after the harmonization of pharmaceutical code according to EU legislation – analysis of trends
at domestic versus global scale
Cybulski W., Kos K., Krasucka D., Łysiak E., Mitura A., Klimowicz A., Tomczyk G., Pietroń W. [ summary ] 281


Kidney proteomic profiling of African catfish. Robak P., Ożgo M., Herosimczyk A., Lepczyński A., Pyć A., Skrzypczak W.F. [ summary ] 286
Evaluation of morphometric parameters of three types of oligodendrocytes in the periaqueductal gray matter of rats in different age groups
Wawrzyniak A., Jaworska-Adamu J., Łuszczewska-Sierakowska I., Guz T.
[ summary ] 292
Diet supplements, resveratrol and protocatechuic acid, do not disturb wellness and liver morphology in rats Szumiło J., Frączek M., Klepacz R.,
Szumiło M., Burdan F.
[ summary ] 298
Microbiological contamination of quail eggshell surface Drozd Ł., Gondek M., Szkucik K., Knaga S., Ziomek M. [ summary ] 303
Effect of hypocalcaemia on the function of parenchymal organs in cows at the peak of lactation Kurek Ł., Lutnicki K., Kluciński W., Kleczkowski M.,
Brodzki P., Marczuk J., Gołyński M.
[ summary ] 307
Narasin poisoning in turkeys Szymanek-Bany I., Szprengier-Juszkiewicz T., Olejnik M., Żmudzki J. [ summary ] 312