Med. Weter. 71 (11), 657-728, 2015


Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning as a risk for consumer health Michalski M., Osek J. [ summary ] 659
The use of antimicrobial agents in food production animals and the problem antimicrobial resistance Przeniosło-Siwczyńska M.,
Kwiatek K., Wasyl D.
[ summary ] 663
Diagnosis of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae with special emphasis on serological assay Żmudzki J., Jabłoński A., Dors A.,
Nowak A.
[ summary ] 670


Secretion of progesterone, estradiol-17β and androstenedione by porcine uterine explants during the mid-luteal phase of the estrous
cycle and luteolysis
Skowrońska A., Eliszewski M., Młotkowska P., Skowroński M.T. [ summary ] 674
Some biochemical parameters and oxidative stress biomarkers in sheep with paratuberculosis Balikci E., Gurdogan F. [ summary ] 679
Effect of Parenteral Supplementation of Selenium and Vitamin E on Selected Blood Biochemical Parameters in H-F Cows During
the Transition Period
Sobiech P., Żarczyńska K., Rękawek W., Snarska A., Eleusizowa A., Kowalczyk E., Illek J. [ summary ] 683
Effect of mixture of ethyl esters of polyunsaturated fatty acids from flax, blackcurrant seed, borage and evening primrose oils on animal body
weight, as well as on the proliferation potential and morphology of mesenchymal stem cells
Czyrek A., Banasik J., Basinska K., Kolankowski J.,
Marędziak M., Janeczek M.
[ summary ] 690
Dioxins, furans and PCBs in eggs: results of 2006–2014 surveys Piskorska-Pliszczyńska J., Struciński P., Mikołajczyk S., Maszewski S.,
Rachubik J., Warenik-Bany M.
[ summary ] 696
Studies on occurrence of histamine in canned fish Pawul-Gruba M., Michalski M., Osek J. [ summary ] 706


Temporary colostomy as a treatment of colonic torsion in dogs Aleksiewicz R., Kostrzewa D., Lutnicki K., Kostrzewski M., Bocheńska A. [ summary ] 709