Med. Weter. 71 (10), 632-637, 2015

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Kneblewski P., Lipowski A., Budzyk J., Szabłoński L., Wielich T., Olechnowicz J., Jaśkowski J.M.
Epidemiological analysis of Aujeszky's disease in pigs in the Wielkopolska voivodeship in the period before and after 6 years of the implementation of the eradication program
The paper presents the epidemiological situation regarding Aujeszky's disease in pigs from the Wielko-polska region, starting from the first recorded cases of the disease in the 1950s. Serological studies carried out in the 1960s and 1970s detected seroreagents at the level of 11.1% and 12.8% respectively, while the results ob-tained in the years from 2001 to 2005 showed an infection of 9.2% of pigs that came from 15.6% of the tested herds. The occurrence of Aujeszky's disease in pigs for over 60 years in the Wielkopolska region was the cause of the unfavorable epidemiological situation and economic problems in this area. The implementation of an eradication program for Aujeszky's disease in pigs in of the Wielkopolska voivodeship started in May 2008, and in the first year 9.25% herds were discovered as infected, based on the positive results of serological testing. The level of infection in the following years of the program (2009 - 2013) revealed a rapid decreasing tendency to the levels of: 6.55%, 2.5%, 0.26%, 0.03% and 0.007%, respectively, in each year. In the period from 2008 to 2013, within the scope of the program in the Wielkopolska voivodeship, 2578652 serological tests were per-formed, and the eradication was based either on the principle of "vaccination – eradication," or the slaughter of all animals in infected herds with a small herd size. During the implementation of the eradication program for Aujeszky’s disease, 1709204 pigs were vaccinated with the usage of deleted vaccine, and 119537 were slaugh-tered. Since the beginning of 2014 extensive monitoring studies have been carried out, and on 5 August 2014, all 34 counties of the Wielkopolska voivodeship have been declared as free of Aujeszky's disease. Maintaining this status in the forthcoming years will allow the recognition of the entire Polish territory officially free of Aujeszky’s disease virus in pigs.
Key words: Aujeszky's disease, eradication, Wielkopolska