Med. Weter. 72 (1), 41-45, 2016

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Kempisty B., Zaorska K., Bukowska D., Ciesiółka S., Wojtanowicz-Markiewicz K., Nowak M., Antosik P., Gehrke M., Brüssow K.-P., Bruska M., Nowicki M., Zabel M.
TP53 gene polymorphisms with mammary gland tumors and aging in bitches
Blood samples were collected from 22 bitches with diagnosed mammary gland malignant tumors, according to the WHO’s International Classification of Disease for Oncology System. The control group (n = 35) consisted of geriatric (> 5 to 10 years old), mature (2-5) and young (1-2) females. We found two novel single nucleotide variants in the coding region of exon 3 and in intron 7 of gene TP53. We did not observe statistical significance in allele or genotype distribution between the tumor and control groups. However, the prevalence of allele C (Odds ratio = 3.0; p = 0.2024) similarly to genotype CT (Odds ratio = 3.3; p = 0.1783) was higher in the control group than in the investigated cancer group. Nonetheless, additional studies on larger groups of canines are required to confirm the presented results.
Key words: mammary glands, malignant tumor, bitch, aging, polymorphism TP53