Med. Weter. 73 (10), 626-631, 2017

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Magdalena Kizerwetter-Świda, Joanna Pławińska-Czarnak
Staphylococci isolated from animals as a source of genes that confer multidrug resistance to antimicrobial agents of critical importance to public health
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global public health issue. Multidrug resistance (MDR) genes that confer resistance to antimicrobials from different classes are of particular importance in the spread of AMR. Moreover, some of these MDR genes are involved in resistance to critically important antimicrobial agents used in human and veterinary medicine. Staphylococci isolated from animals and humans harbor a wide range of resistance genes, including MDR genes. Location of MDR genes on mobile genetic elements facilitate the exchange of these genes between staphylococci of animal and human origin. The emergence of resistant Staphylococcus spp. is probably linked to therapeutic or prophylactic antimicrobial use through not only direct selection of the corresponding resistance, but also indirect selections via cross-resistance and co-resistance. Judicious use of antibiotics and the knowledge of the genetics of MRD genes and other resistance genes is indispensable to counteract further dissemination of staphylococcal MDR genes.
Key words: antimicrobial agents, multidrug resistance, Staphylococcus spp