041/24 - Quality of raw cow’s milk intended for processing and retail sale ... Pyz-Łukasik R., et al.summary 041/24
050/24 - Evaluation of selected biophysical parameters of the teat skin of dairy cows Taszkun I., et al.summary 050/24
052/24 - Forensic veterinary evaluation of injuries caused by a shot with a smoothbore ... Panasiuk-Flak K., et al.summary 052/24
054/24 - Videodermoscopic analysis of the skin of purebred arabian horses ... Pomorska-Zniszczyńska A., et al.summary 054/24
062/24 - A case report of lymphosarcoma in an aquarium ... Guz L., et al.summary 062/24
063/24 - Honey and propolis reduce the antibacterial resistance of staphylococci Lazăr C. I., et al.summary 063/24
069/24 - Effect of equine chorionic gonadotropin during a modified PRID-Ovsynch ... Kacar C., et al.summary 069/24
070/24 - Znaczenie pasz objętościowych w chowie bydła mlecznego i produkcji mleka ... Jakimiuk E.summary 070/24
072/24 - Molecular Detection of Toxoplasma gondii in goats Placenta ... Ait Issad N., et al.summary 072/24
074/24 - Influence of periparturient recumbency on selected blood biochemical ... Kurek Ł., et al.summary 074/24
076/24 - The effect of experimentally induced acute fluoride poisoning ... Arslan S., et al.summary 076/24
078/24 - Cauda Equina Syndrome in Cattle: A Clinical Case Study and Analysis Butkiewicz A.F., et al.summary 078/24
080/24 - An evaluation of the Polish Code of Veterinary Professional Ethics ... Dzikowski A.summary 080/24
083/24 - Monitoring of selected heavy metals, hematological and biochemical ... Kołacz R., et al.summary 083/24
084/24 - Correlation between long-bone dimensions and body mass in cats Mutlu Z., et al.summary 084/24
086/24 - Animals in the legal codes of the countries of the Ancient Near East ... Małyszek A., et al.summary 086/24
087/24 - Characterization of Fertile and Infertile Dog Seminal Plasma Proteins and ... Esin B., et al.summary 087/24
088/24 - Personality profile of laying hens as a selection criterion trait Janicka K., et al.summary 088/24
089/24 - Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of cerium oxide Salvia veneris ... Nur G., et al.summary 089/24
095/24 - Tumor-induced inflammation Madej J. A.summary 095/24
096/24 - Ventricular septal defects in cats – a retrospective study Mazurek Ł., et al.summary 096/24
097/24 - Rapid visual detection of Pasteurella multocida through recombinase polymerase ... Li J., et al.summary 097/24
103/24 - Cutaneous iridophoroma and bacterial infection in a male Siamese fighting fish ... Guz L., et al.summary 103/24
104/24 - In vitro activity of garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) chloroform extract ... Guz L., et al.summary 104/24
109/24 - How antimicrobial plant extracts can affect the in vitro cell-mediated response ... Rusu L.- A., et al.summary 109/24
111/24 - Electronic rider’s seat control system - pilot studies Żeliszewska-Duk P., et al.summary 111/24
114/24 - Mycoplasma bovis seroprevalence and risk factors in Polish cattle Żmuda P., et al.summary 114/24
115/24 - Pig welfare in the agenda of the 27th IPVS World Congress and the 15th. ESPHM ... Kołacz R., et al.summary 115/24
116/24 - The level of welfare of male farmed fallow deer kept indoors during the winter... Bogdaszewski M., et al.summary 116/24