Medycyna Wet. 55 (11), 709-780, 1999


Prions and their significance in animals and in humans Deptuła W., Pawlikowska M. [digitized ] 711
Brucellosis in dogs Iwaniak W., Pilaszek J., Szulowski K. [digitized ] 718
Bordetellosis of turkeys (Turkey Coryza) Rumińska E., Koncicki A. [digitized ] 723
The adverse reproductive effects of ergotoxins in horses Kania B. F. [digitized ] 728
Selected mechanisms controlling the seasonal course of reproductive processes in sheep and goats Udała J., Błaszczyk B. [digitized ] 733
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone in the perinatal and neonatal period Ożgo M., Skrzypczak W. [digitized ] 737


Immunogenicity of AG cell recombined clone against BLV Rułka J., Buzała E. [digitized ] 742
Seroprevalence of Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus (BIV) in cattle from Poland Kuźmak J., Bicka L. [digitized ] 746
The case of infection of hare with European brown hare syndrome virus Chrobocińska M., Kozaczyński W., Mizak Z., Mizak B. [digitized ] 750
Length of intercalving period and effectiveness of milk production in high milk yielding herds Hibner A., Zachwieja A., Juszczak J.,
Ziemiński R.
[digitized ] 753
Lead and cadmium content in milk produced in the vicinity of Bogdanka coal mine Litwińczuk A., Drozd-Janczak A., Pieróg M., Dorosz D. [digitized ] 757
Prevalence of Toxocara spp. and other intestinal parasites in dogs and cats Luty T., Mizgajska H. [digitized ] 759
The influence of nitric oxide on the motor activity of the rumen, abomasum and duodenum in sheep Cebrat E., Węgrzyn T., Leroch Z.,
Zięba D.
[digitized ] 762
Selection and qualification of cows recipient for embryo transfer Jaśkowski J. M., Zbylut J. [digitized ] 766
Influence of some anti-varroa drugs on bee brood Bah M. [digitized ] 769