Med. Weter. 76 (10), 553-612, 2020

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Leptospirosis in swine in the light of accepted characterization Pejsak Z., Truszczynski M, Arent Z. [ summary ] 555
Activation of sperm in the female reproductive tract in mammals Krawczyk A., Jaworska-Adamu J. [ summary ] 559
Significance of metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists in experimental ... Kania B.F., et al.[ summary ] 564


Effect of combined application of Zylexis and a vaccine against ... Teodorowski O., et al.[ summary ] 572
Content of vitamin C in edible tissues of snails obtained in Poland Gondek M., et al.[ summary ] 580
Quality and safety of agricultural products in the Shuchinsk-Burabay... Maikanov B.S.,et al. [ summary ] 585
Protective effects of hydrogen to the oxidative stress and liver function ... Zhang J., et al. [ summary ] 589
Use of thermography for assessment of high-intensity laser therapy... Godlewska M., et al.[ summary ] 593


Retrograde long bone intramedullary pinning in wing fractures ... Vasiu I.,et al.[ summary ] 597
Talpa (poll evil): Description of a case Bednarek D., et al. [ summary ] 602