Medycyna Wet. 57 (12), 857-936, 2001
Distemper virus - its structure and genetic mechanisms of replication Rzeżutka A., Mizak B. [digitized ] 870
Use of ultrasonography in diagnosis of the teats disorders Twardoń J., Dzięcioł M., Niżański W., Dejneka G.J. [digitized ] 874
Use of ultrasonography in diagnosis of the teats disorders Kopczewski A., Saba L., Nozdryn-Płotnicki Z., Sławoń J., Zon A. [digitized ] 880
The prevalence of Lawsonia intracellularis in swine herds in Poland Pejsak Z., Żmudzki J., Stankevicius A. [digitized ] 887
Characterising RHDV strains by restriction analysis of RNA Fitzner A., Kęsy A., Niedbalski W., Paprocka G. [digitized ] 890
The case of viral haeomorrhagic septicaemia and infectious hematopoietic necrosis in raibow trout fry - introduction of RT-PCR technique for the
diagnosis of these viruses in Poland Antychowicz J., Reichert M., Pękala A., Matusiewicz J. [digitized ] 894
diagnosis of these viruses in Poland Antychowicz J., Reichert M., Pękala A., Matusiewicz J. [digitized ] 894
The influence of short-term heat stress for body temperature and acid-base balance in turkeys Krasnodębska-Depta A.,Koncicki A.,
Rumińska-Groda E., Mazur-Gonkowska B. [digitized ] 902
Rumińska-Groda E., Mazur-Gonkowska B. [digitized ] 902
The influence of low environmental temperature on thermoregulation in hens Chudoba-Drozdowska B., Rojkowski A., Kozłowska K. [digitized ] 913
A comparison of ultrasonograph and cytological examination results in evaluating the state of endometrium in mares Dąbrowska J.,
Wiśniewski E., Gniazdowski A. [digitized ] 917
Wiśniewski E., Gniazdowski A. [digitized ] 917
The effect of soybean oil and vitamin C on lipids levels in the blood serum chickens Badzian B., Nagórna-Stasiak B., Kowalczyk M. [digitized ] 921
The effect of high pressure on the quality and shelf-life of cooked pork ham Grochalska D., Barabasz A.,Windyga B., Ścieżyńska H., Mroczek J.,
Fonberg-Broczek M., Porowski S. [digitized ] 924
Fonberg-Broczek M., Porowski S. [digitized ] 924