Medycyna Wet. 57 (10), 697-776, 2001


Practical use of animal reproductive biotechnology Max A. [digitized ] 699
Molecular diagnosis in testing genetic diseases in horses Gajewska M., Mikulska M., Wirth-Dzięciołowska E. [digitized ] 705
Immunological responses in dermatomycoses of animals Kostro K., Gliński Z., Wojcicka-Lorenowicz K, [digitized ] 709
Fimbriae Salmonella enterica serowar Enteritidis Ugorski M., Kisiela D., Wieliczko A. [digitized ] 714
Neuropharmacological basis of stress moderation Kania B.F., Matczuk J., Cieciera M. [digitized ] 719


Detection of Lawsonia intracellularis by one tube nested – PCR Pejsak Z., Żmudzki J., Stankevicius A. [digitized ] 723
Application of PCR for identification of pathogenic plasmid markers of Yersinia enterocolitica strains isolated from humans and pigs Kot B.,
Woźniak-Kosek A., Kawiak J., Bukowski K.
[digitized ] 727
Genotypic analysis of Salmonella Gallinarum and Salmonella Pullorum strains isolated from laying hens Chmielewski R., Wieliczko A.,
Kuczkowski M., Mazurkiewicz M., Ugorski M.
[digitized ] 731
Detection of the expression of c-myc mRNA by in situ hybridization in canine lymphoma Winiarczyk S., Zielewicz J., Łopuszyński W., Grądzki Z.,
Nozdryn-Płotnicki Z., Lechowski R., Jagielski D.
[digitized ] 736
Effect of feed provision and Aviguard treation on development of intestinal microflora of newly hatched chickens Błaszczak B., Karpińska E.,
Kosowska G., Degórski A., Borzemska W., Binek M.
[digitized ] 741
Contamination of Salmonella spp. in slaughter chickens Mikołajczyk A., Radkowski M. [digitized ] 745
Quality of meat of beef breeds bulls Sakowski T., Dasiewicz K., Słowiński M, Oprządek J., Dymnicki E., Wiśniach A., Słoniewski K. [digitized ] 748
Influence of the somatic cell count and a disinfectants concentration on the presence of inhibitory substances in milk Lassa H., Szejniuk B.,
Kłossowska A.
[digitized ] 753
Assessment of the microbiological hazard connected with the system and airtightness of lactic acid cheese packaging Steinka I.,
Kurlenda J.
[digitized ] 757
The activity of antioxidative enzymes in the blood sampled from rabbits exposed to an increased supply of iron Aleksiewicz R.,
Pawłowska-Góral K., Maciejewska-Paszek L, Wardas M.
[digitized ] 762
Analyse of dairy performance traits mutability of cows - daughters after red-factor Holstein Fresian bulls Kuczaj M. [digitized ] 764